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VP Self-paced Bible question?


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Are you talking about online? You can get a free two week trial. I did the Old Testament last night, it took me about 20 minutes. My 6 year old tried a New Testament lesson today, it felt like it took an hour. I wasn't paying attention to the time so I'm not sure how long it actually took but she is a beginning reader so she needed quite a lot of help.

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My son usually does them in 30 minutes or less. He really enjoys it a lot. Begs to do it everyday, but I don't let him because we have other things that also needs doing. This is on top of his devotional and Awana. 

I should probably disclose that he can read middle school level texts, so I think that it goes faster because he can read quickly. I think it would actually be even less time except he likes to play the games in the lesson.



Edited by calbear
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