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Paths to Exploration, Beautiful Feet, MFW...


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I have a motivated 10 year old (will be 5th grade) dd, an 8 year old dyslexic/adhd ds, and a precocious 6 year old. Here is our background information, because I think it lends information to my struggle to decide. All three were in public school until October of last year, when the school refused to have ds tested because he was "still passing" even though it was low average. He is very intelligent and his father and I (and both my parents) knew that reading was more difficult than it ought to be. I took him to get private testing, and he is "severely dyslexic" and possibly dysgraphic (she didn't test him for that but said he shows many of the signs). The school refused to acknowledge the test and we pulled all three out of school. We had other issues that prompted the removal of all of them: my 10 year old was being bullied by other girls at school, and my then 5 year old was doing preschool work that we had covered extensively at home the previous year. I have no idea what kind of history my oldest got, although upon questioning her it seems pretty across the board. Because we live near a battlefield, they spent a significant amount of time studying Native American stories, but she doesn't know the background of it. But, when I asked her about pyramids and mummies, she also knew a little from school. 


Since October, we have been taking a very slow journey through Mystery of History volume 1, via Illuminations, and we won't come close to finishing it, but they have mostly enjoyed that. The book assignments have not been all that useful--they are usually too advanced for dd or too simple. We have enjoyed reading some of them together, but I would really prefer that she had books that were at her grade level (around 6th grade reading). Ds has not been able to read any of the suggested reading, but that was a given when we started.


I am mostly looking for a program for ds, because he is the hard to please child, and love the looks of paths to exploration. I would probably have to read most of it to him, although his remediation is going really well. I think he would really love the idea behind POE, and I think it would be the most excitement. I am not sure I can get away from my desire to stay chronological, but I think it might be what is actually best for him. :/


So is the supplement to POE going to be enough for dd? Is Beautiful Feet going to be as fun for ds? Maybe I can go with MFW and make that work for all of them? Or should I split off my younger two and keep dd on the chronological path? I feel like dd10 is behind in a lot of things from the lack of consistency in her public schooling...


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