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Anyone done Math Mammoth for all grades? Then AoPS?

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We almost did, and we are not quite to high school yet, so take this with a grain of salt.


DD did the old MM 1-6.  We did Lial's Pre-Algebra after that  (6th grade); in retrospect, we should have used AoPS.  There were - literally - only two topics not already well covered by MM.  We went with AoPS for Intro to Algebra in 7th.  We did the first 8 or 9 chapters together, and then DD took the A class through AoPS.  We have continued with the AoPS classes and she's in Intro Algebra part B this term (8th grade.)  Note that DD is a very bright and capable student, but she is not is not freakishly gifted. The online classes are quite a stretch for her, but I must say that her stamina and diligence have grown enormously with them.  The jury is still out on how far we'll be able to go with AoPS, as I am not a math-inclined person. At all.


In short, I think MM did an incredibly good job building a solid math foundation for DD.

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We almost did, and we are not quite to high school yet, so take this with a grain of salt.


DD did the old MM 1-6. We did Lial's Pre-Algebra after that (6th grade); in retrospect, we should have used AoPS. There were - literally - only two topics not already well covered by MM. We went with AoPS for Intro to Algebra in 7th. We did the first 8 or 9 chapters together, and then DD took the A class through AoPS. We have continued with the AoPS classes and she's in Intro Algebra part B this term (8th grade.) Note that DD is a very bright and capable student, but she is not is not freakishly gifted. The online classes are quite a stretch for her, but I must say that her stamina and diligence have grown enormously with them. The jury is still out on how far we'll be able to go with AoPS, as I am not a math-inclined person. At all.


In short, I think MM did an incredibly good job building a solid math foundation for DD.

I'm so excited to read this. Next year will be our first year homeschooling and we are going to use Math Mammoth for our first and second grader. We may try adding in Beast Quest or Life of Fred in later grades for interest but I'm glad to know someone has use the program so successfully. Things may change down the road but AoPS is on our list of upper lever math when the time comes.

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We did. (Well, we are planning to...) We have done MM with all of ours from grade 2 up. My kids found MM overwhelming in 1st grade--we did Horizons instead, because they liked its colorful workbook pages--but we moved into MM in second grade. DS is finishing MM grade 7 this year, and we plan to move him into AOPS algebra next year. Dh (who oversees math) thinks that a more traditional, basic algebra 1 course would be boring and redundant. We both feel that MM gives a strong solid base and plan to continue to use it with our younger kids.

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My oldest did MM grades 1-4, then did Singapore 4-5, then AoPS Prealgebra. I'm sure MM to AoPS would have been perfectly fine also. You wouldn't need to go past MM6, I don't think.


Are you familiar with the re-ordered version of MM?  I used the old one that went only through sixth.  My understanding is that the new version stretches the same content through seventh. 

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We finished MM 1-6 and doing a mish mash of MM7 and Aops pre algebra. But next year we are doing Jacobs Algebra. My DD loves AOPS but I don't ( it is visually distracting and too wordy for me). So she met me middle way in Jacobs. Maybe she will review wirh AOPS Algebra on the side while she does Geometry

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We didn't start homeschooling until they were further along, but my older 2 used Math Mammoth from where they were (MM5 and MM2) through MM6, then went on to AoPS. The older used the old series, and the younger the new series, and both were well prepared. I believe the new series moves some of the old 6 to 7, and then adds a good amount to make a full pre-algebra (but I have not even looked at 7).

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Are you familiar with the re-ordered version of MM?  I used the old one that went only through sixth.  My understanding is that the new version stretches the same content through seventh. 


Forgot about that. I have it, but haven't used the new version. I'd probably still be ok with using through 6 before going to AoPS Prealgebra. After all, you can go to AoPS after Singapore 5, so surely MM1-6 covers what is covered in Singapore 1-5?


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We are going from MM7 (which is pre-algebra) into AOPS Introduction to Algebra. Are some of you going from MM (old)6/(new)7 into pre-algebra? That seems redundant, since old6/new7 covers most pre-algebra topics.


Before we started AoPS Algebra, we went back and covered Chapters 2 and 9, Exponents and Square Roots, from the AoPS Pre-Algebra book.  I did not believe that those topics had been adequately covered in MM and Lial's to prepare DD for AoPS Algebra.  Honestly, the AoPS Pre-Algebra book is fabulous; I really wish that I had used it.  I also suspect DD would have been well-served to have done it even after Lial's, but she was very resistant to "repeating" a class, and it was not worth the battle.


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Before we started AoPS Algebra, we went back and covered Chapters 2 and 9, Exponents and Square Roots, from the AoPS Pre-Algebra book. I did not believe that those topics had been adequately covered in MM and Lial's to prepare DD for AoPS Algebra. Honestly, the AoPS Pre-Algebra book is fabulous; I really wish that I had used it. I also suspect DD would have been well-served to have done it even after Lial's, but she was very resistant to "repeating" a class, and it was not worth the battle.


Ahhh, OK. Thanks. I wondered if I was missing something, but what you wrote makes sense.

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Thank you all! This has really helped me... My boy is just finishing his K year starting 1st early and we're only working through 1b now... I loved Righstart, love life of Fred, love the idea of BA... But honestly MM is just so solid, simple, easy for me to implement... And I think the style really works for my oldest... I had such a complicated math plan originally that the idea of doing this program the whole way through is just so lovely and simple!!!! :) I really liked the idea of simplifying at least something in my life! :)

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AoPS requires a strong foundation in basic math and the willingness to work for an answer. I have had 2 kids use AoPS, both equally capable, one who loved it and one who did not like it at all (even though doing the math was not the issue. She just didn't like the approach.)


Fwiw, we used probably one of the least liked elementary math programs on the forums, Horizons. ;) (and one , who never even heard of AoPS is a professional chemE and the other who loved AoPS, but didn't start using the book until their intermediate alg text and jumped in at that level no problem, is now a physics and math double major.)


And the dd who used the alg bk and didn't like it, completed cal in 11th grade with a high 90s avg, (and still doesn't like math. ;) )


So, yes, MM, a very solid elementary math program, will be fine. :)

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