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Another question for MFW Adventures users - What is Story of the US?


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I've found some posts stating people liked it or loved it, but I can't figure out what kind of resource it is. There are no online descriptions or peaks inside. Is it a text to read? A collection of stories? How is it used in the overall program?


Thanks, again!

Edited by scrapper4life
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It's a text that mfw puts out. It's used throughout the program to be read to your child. It's usually about a page and a half about a particular person or subject. I forget if they were stories or just informational text. It's used throughout the program here and there.

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Although it is published by MFW, it is a reprint of selections of a public domain history book from about 1920's.   It is a condensed version of Exploring American History that is published by christian liberty press that is more for 2nd/3rd grader instead of 4th-6th.   I'd call it "information text in narrative or story telling format"  (similar to something like sotw kind of book)


oh, the public domain book is The Beginner's American HIstory, by DH Montgomery.


likes:  quick to read. good for getting some basic info at this grade level.


dislikes: some parts were a little too much for me in terms of rah rah rah history person.   However, I found it easy to change a word or sentence here and there and it wasn't that big of a deal.


overall opinion:  wasn't a bad pick for us. good for the purpose.  not necessarily all that exciting in the version I have because it's just text on page. so it can feel a little boring.  But it's not the only thing used, right?



since it's hard to find anything about the book, here is the table of contents (I'm using some abbreviations if that's ok.  the book doesn't. but I'm typing)

Leif Ericsson and the Viking


Smith and Jamestown


B. Franklin

G. Washington

T Jeff.

more about Geo Washington

Daniel Boone

Eli Whitney

T Jeff. and LA purchase

Robert Fulton

Samuel Morse

Gold in California

Abra. Lincoln.




so, some of them are short biographies. some of it is text.   


want some mfw trivia? Basically, long ago when Adventures was first written, the book Exploring american history (CLP) was in first edition.   MFW scheduled very select portions of that book in Adventures.  Well, with Ex. Amer History went to 2nd edition, MFW just did a reprint of the public domain original (Montgomery book) and printed that since only the selections were read in ADV.  Then the full book of Explor. American History (clp) shows up in EX1850 and 1850MOD.

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