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Biblical Hebrew (Jewish mamas, please come in!)

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12 yo DD wants to learn Biblical Hebrew.  Her goal is to read the OT in its original language. I think this is an awesome goal and I'm super excited.  :)   


I'm looking at Biblical Hebrew: A Homeschool Primer.  Has anyone used this or can anyone suggest something else that they liked?  We also have access to Mango languages, but their Biblical Hebrew looked a bit overwhelming for a rank beginner.  


I've thought about just finding a good online resource for learning the Hebrew alphabet so she can feel a little more confident when she finally starts a formal program.  I've also thought about having her memorize (reciting) a few verses like Gen. 1:1.  I think she might benefit from getting her feet wet first.


I know very little about this language and am completely open to any and all suggestions.

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Papa here...   Possibly you can find Hebrew instruction on the Aish web site. This is the link to their Home Page: http://www.aish.com/  


I clicked on a link, at the bottom of the home page and ended up on this URL:


In their form, I see one can specify Modern Hebrew or Biblical Hebrew.  I have no idea what they charge but you might check it out.


Spend some time on Aish.com and you may find some other links of interest to you and some information of interest to you. GL

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Papa here...   Possibly you can find Hebrew instruction on the Aish web site. This is the link to their Home Page: http://www.aish.com/  


I clicked on a link, at the bottom of the home page and ended up on this URL:


In their form, I see one can specify Modern Hebrew or Biblical Hebrew.  I have no idea what they charge but you might check it out.


Spend some time on Aish.com and you may find some other links of interest to you and some information of interest to you. GL


I second the recommendation for Aish.  Chinuch.org has some good resources too if you want to poke around it.  


There's also a MOOC on biblical hebrew with some good resources here: http://campusnet.sebts.edu/moodle/course/view.php?id=7429

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I'm also interested to see if anyone has used Biblical Hebrew: A Homeschool Primer. I'm planning to buy it for my son next year. I haven't seen many reviews on it but it looks closest to the type of thing we're looking for. He wants to read the Bible, so a conversational Hebrew program wouldn't fit the bill quite like a program that is specifically geared towards the Bible. Most of the other programs I looked at appeared to be conversational.

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My husband is teaching Hebrew to our children, and is using the Behrman House books.  He works with them for about 45 minutes most school mornings before work, and they are doing very well.  We were recently surprised to learn that they are far ahead of the kids at the Hebrew School (which would make sense, as the Hebrew School only meets twice a week . . . but I think my husband felt validated in his efforts as one who is learning along with them).


I had posted a thread about this a while back, which you might find useful:



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My kids go part-time to a Jewish day school so thankfully I am now off the hook for teaching Hebrew mysefl, but before that we used Behrmann House materials, and I agree that they are quite good.  Torah Aura also has some good intro-level books.  For Torah reading, I also recommend the Linear Chumash set.  

Edited by JennyD
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