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Why am I frozen this year?


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Every time I sit down to finalize stuff for our next year, I end up just sitting and staring into space. I can't seem to finalize anything! I am normally quite on top of it all, but for some reason this year, I just can't seem to get it together. Is it because I have a middle schooler this year? Maybe, I am suffering from a tiny bit of burn out? I DONT KNOW. It's driving me crazy though. I am a planner and the idea of not having my stuff together so I know what we need for next year is starting to drive me batty. 

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It's probably a good thing!  I plan too early and over teh summer things change...kids grow so much, I change, the schedule changes, kids grow together or apart in certain needs they have, and I end up changing 1/4 of all my decisions made the previous April or May.  It's so tempting to use the tax return money, and to think of next year as a way to help get through this year, (I think 85 % of us do that!)  but in the end it's actually not the greatest thing.

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I plan at most a semester at a time. I haven't even finish with planning their summer camps :)


Income tax refund isn't even enough to cover my property tax payments so I don't touch that money anyway.


I have a 6th grader this year and he is having growth spurts, needing more sleep and food. He was hard to plan for even semester by semester.

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I feel exactly the same way. It's like I can't wrap my mind around it. Usually I have a plan in place and I'm excited about next school year (as excited as I am about finishing the current school year) but this year...blah. I have no idea what to do next. I'm having a really hard time figuring out what I can do with a 6th and 3rd grader for history and science and literature.  I feel like I just need someone to hand me something and say, just do this. If you follow this exactly, everything will be fine.  :)  Anyone know of a great free program that comes with a guarantee?

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I'm going on my 8th year of homeschooling. This should be second nature to me by this point. Sometimes, I wish all of the choices would go away. It would be so much easier if I only had the choice of this or that. But then I guess I wouldn't really be homeschooling, would I?

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:grouphug: I'm there, too. We also are in the middle school years. I have felt this way the past two years. I used to have the fall curriculum all planned and bought for by May/June. Ha! But, I am trying to slow down life and enjoy what we have now. I have barely thought about the summer yet. I don't even know when our school year will end this year. I AM excited that we have been finishing up subjects and projects one-by-one this month and can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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