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I'm in planning mode and making a wish list of extras to add in. What types of supplements do you or would you add in for MOH 2? It's for a 9 yo, 7 yo and 5 yo tag along


Workbooks, hands on, projects not noted in the book?


I bought illuminations and really don't like it, but what I found for younger kids are a lot of fun books that go along with the studies! For instance, when we were studying dinosaurs, it recommended a DK reader that I found on Amazon, called "The Dinosaur Dig" and it was excellent--great pictures and factual but told in a story to make for easy reading! I haven't loved all the book choices, BUT I have been able to supplement by googling the subject area and buying similar books on Amazon. I am guessing you could probably find them at your local library but we don't have a great library nearby, so its all out of pocket for us. My kids do not love the folder books, however, or the coloring pages, just fyi. We did get the audio books, and while I am not sure I will do it again, its been nice for car rides when we are short on time. They just prefer my reading over the author's. LOL

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