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Well, that's one way to kill a pre-teen crush...


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There's a slightly older boy in our co-op who seems to have a crush on DD11, and she seemed to return it, until he came to math club today-and screamed at the sight of her pet corn snake slithering around her terrarium.


Guess that takes care of that. DD will never have a serious relationship with someone who is scared of a harmless, non-venomous snake inside a tank!

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Here's the thing-if you talk for DD for 10 minutes, you're going to know she's into snakes. It's not like the kid hasn't seen her wearing snake t-shirts and talking about presenting at the rattlesnake festival and going herping on weekends all semester. I make it clear what animals we have up front because of fears/phobias and allergies. Coming into our house after being invited by DD and screaming at a snake in a tank is about like doing so at the herpetarium at the zoo.

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There's a slightly older boy in our co-op who seems to have a crush on DD11, and she seemed to return it, until he came to math club today-and screamed at the sight of her pet corn snake slithering around her terrarium.


Guess that takes care of that. DD will never have a serious relationship with someone who is scared of a harmless, non-venomous snake inside a tank!

Ha! My dd has fallen in love with the snake whose enclosure she's responsible for cleaning out at the nature center. I will have to run this crush-test by her.


Your daughter, well, she's probably going to have to find a fellow herpetologist or an exhibit designer who likes reptiles.

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There are a lot of husband/wife herpetologist couples, or one spouse is a herpetologist, and the other is something complementary (like one is a herpetologist specializing in dart frogs in the Amazon, and the other is a botanist specializing in bromeliads, or one is a herpetologist and the other is a wildlife photographer). Lots of marriages seem to have their start in grad school.  



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I am a naturalist with a particular interest in insects. On a promising first date in college, the young man and I came back to the parking lot after dark. The car was parked under a street light. A moth entered the car as we opened the doors. The young man got in the car as did I and then lost his mind hitting at the moth and shrieking! Needless to say, there was no second date.

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A few years ago my boys really wanted a pet. I said no dog because we weren't ready at the time (we now have a dog) and ds is allergic to cats. They were campaigning for a snake. I kept telling them that snakes can live a long time and that they would then have to find a woman willing to marry them and accept the snake because I wasn't keeping it forever.  They didn't find the marriage argument particularly compelling at their ages (at the time 7 and 10) but I promised them that one day it could be an issue.


Actually, my oldest's 11th birthday present was a private tour of the reptile house at the zoo. He loved it. Maybe he's the guy for your daughter. :) 

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Both of DD's snakes came from homeschooled kids who got a snake as a pet and went away to college. I have sometimes felt we're running a very specialized rescue-we save homeschool moms from the snake their teen left behind.


DD, when asked where she's interested in going to college generally answers "I don't know yet, but I'm not going if I can't take my snakes!" So far, four university bio department chairs have told her they can work something out :). Of hers, the corn will probably still be around-she'll be in her teens. The ball python may not be, since he's in his mid 20's already and has raised not one, but two kids to college age.


Lizards tend to be a shorter lived herp pet, but they're harder to care for than snakes are. Quite charismatic, though.



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A few before we left California, my daughter gave a presentation about fence lizards, and showed pictures of her holding them. She was younger then, but a few of the boys a bit older than her who owned snakes looked at her like, too bad she's leaving, cute girl who holds lizards. We have not lived near good lizard grounds for a while now, sadly. We had them within walkng distance in Arkansas and California. She does not live them enough to go to conventions or travel to find them, but misses her little lizard friends.

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When I was in college, I had a friend who worked in the bio lab.  I was visiting the lab one day.  The phone rang; before he went to answer it, he handed me the snake that he had been holding.  When he came back a few minutes later, I returned the snake to him.  He looked at me in a bit of disbelief and said, "You didn't scream."  I told him that I knew it wouldn't harm me or he wouldn't have handed it to me.  Apparently this was not the reaction he was used to.


Alas, my friend in the lab was not The One.  A few weeks ago I rescued a teeny tiny snake from our basement and placed it gently in the woods behind our house.  Dh had tried to kill it with a 2x4.  Thankfully he missed.  


I don't really like snakes, but I'm not afraid of most of them.

Edited by Junie
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There's a slightly older boy in our co-op who seems to have a crush on DD11, and she seemed to return it, until he came to math club today-and screamed at the sight of her pet corn snake slithering around her terrarium.


Guess that takes care of that. DD will never have a serious relationship with someone who is scared of a harmless, non-venomous snake inside a tank!

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