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Science like Apologia but secular?


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Every time I look at Apologia I just love the way it is laid out. But we are not new earth people. I cannot get past some of the things I have read in it so it could never be an option for us. I know many of you love it. So please, no bashing. 


My kids love science. I would love something that is laid out, easy to use, engaging and I don't have to print pages every day. 

They are 13, 11 and almost 8. I usually combine the older 2.

I would very mush appreciate any suggestions you have. Thanks!

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For the older 2, Prentice Hall Science Explorer might be a good option. You have to skim ahead and gather supplies for labs but its do-able. I also had to reactor section question answers... But there are teachers books available (I just never bought them).


My younger kids like REAL Science Odyssey and Mr. Q, but I print a lot and don't mind doing it (cheap to operate Brother inkjet/generic ink).

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