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What with WWS


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I am thinking I am going to go very slowly through WWS with my 6th grade daughter. So I would like to couple it with another program. Not sure if I'll do a month of one then a month of the other, 3 weeks on, 1 week off, or some other combo. But I have narrowed it down to likely Wordsmith Apprentice (thanks to a lot of your helpful suggestions) or EIW level 7. What do you think would complement WWS best?


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I wouldn't add another writing program - WWS is very program-y. I would make sure you had grammar, literature, and opportunities for verbal expression (reciting poetry? theater? or even great conversation?). If spelling/vocab was needed, that too.


If you really feel more writing is needed then perhaps try incorporating BraveWriter Lifestyle type free writing?

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Does anyone know how I can find a longer sample of WWS?  I can't get the link on the Peace Hill Press site to work and the one on Rainbow Resource Center isn't very long. (well, it's long, but most of it is the table of contents)


Edited by Pdriskell
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Does anyone know how I can find a longer sample of WWS?  I can't get the link on the Peace Hill Press site to work and the one on Rainbow Resource Center isn't very long. (well, it's long, but most of it is the table of contents)


Yes, strangely the link on the WWS1 page is not working. Try the samples link at the bottom of the PHP homepage. It links to this sample of WWS1.


There is a small sample on CBD; it shows the ToC plus the first few pages of lesson 1.

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