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Reviews of HOD Resurrection to Reformation for 6th grade?


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I'm making a list of curriculum that will be at the convention in Cincinnati at the end of the week that I want to look at in person and, to my great surprise, this one has caught my eye. I perused the HOD website a few years ago when I first got interested in homeschooling, but the levels I looked at didn't appeal to me. For some reason, this level does. I'd only use bits and pieces of the science, at the most, because I want (and have already found, thanks to another thread) something OEC. The history, however, really appeals to me. I've decided we're doing world history next year for sure, so now I just have to pick from dozens of good programs :). DS has gotten bits and pieces of Ancient history from personal reading, but almost no medieval history, so starting at what's officially year 2 of a cycle doesn't bother me. I can always have him read or listen to some ancient history over the summer if I make this choice and feel like we need to "catch up."


Anyone want to share pros or cons of this program? Did you use it and love it? Did you use it and hate it? Thanks for any information you can give me!

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