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Online math games WITHOUT speed requirements


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I am looking for some online math games for a fun & independent supplement to our Rightstart math.  My DD is a slow processor so the speed/time can not be a factor (she understands concepts way before she has the math facts down hard or and can't do math facts very quickly even when she does have them down).  We tried the free sample of Reflex math and she hated it because it showed a timer and would tell them at the start to go as fast as you can.  We have used dreambox and at times she hits a wall and they don't always explain things well, but overall she seems to like it most of the time (except she gets frustrated when the computer voice keeps interrupting her thoughts saying, "If you need any help, click on the ___ button.")  I'm looking for practice in the 2nd/3rd grade level.  Also, she does have dyslexia so the program needs to be able to read questions to her if there are word problems and I prefer not to have a program that involves a lot of magic.  Thanks ahead for your ideas!

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Yeah, Prodigy would be a good match. You can select specific skills to work on, and there isn't a time limit (though they are implementing one for the battle arena due to some kids cheating and waiting out their opponents, forcing the other player to refresh and lose the battle...only a problem in the arena, though).


My math LD kid does well on Prodigy. I have a referral link in my sig. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions.

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I agree on Prodigy. We have also tried Reflex Math, the math on Clever Dragons, and Big Brainz. So far Prodigy is the winner by far. Not timed, great for me because I can assign certain types of problems and track progress. And, free! We actually did a group buy for the membership because the boys love it so much.

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If you go the Prodigy route and you decide to go with a paid membership, I would strongly suggest purchasing with a group so you get a discount. That's what I did and am thankful since both my daughters got really bored with it after 3-4 months.

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If you're going to pursue the Math Wrap-ups, there's also the Learning Palette.



I've never used the learning palette, but a good friend of mine used it with her children.


But also, if you have the time to play them, I'd go through the RS games book and find some that she enjoys.  RS doesn't do drill-and-kill via worksheets or flashcards, but there is a lot of repetition of math facts when playing the games.  Even if you don't have the time to play with her, you could always assign the short chain or long chain solitaire games..

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What are math wrap-ups?  Is this what you mean: http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/sku/013150?  I have never seen them in person so didn't really know how they worked to be honest. 



Yes, those. There is a video here demonstrating how they work: 


I agree that doing some of the RS math games would be an ideal way to reinforce those math facts without it being a drill/speedy test. Perhaps she could play them with another family member or do solitaire versions?

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