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Question for Prodigy users.


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I have asked the online chat rep many questions but I did not get a clear answer & live chat is not on today.  So, I'm hoping someone here can help me.


The options for curriculum are: Common Core, MAFS (Florida standards), TEKS, (Texas standards), Ontario (Canada standards). 


1. I know I don't need Ontario, and I don't want Common Core so what do I choose? We live in Oklahoma. 

2.  The current setting is at "no curriculum override" then what curriculum are they doing?


Hoping Sweetpea3829 will reply.  :)



Edited by journey00
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Yeah, for review it doesn't matter. I think it is just the order of topics presented in their pre-programmed progression. So whatever. I just picked common core because I don't really care. If you were a school working towards a particular test, that's the only time it would maybe matter. I think you cover the same information regardless. Just the order differs.

Edited by Meagan S
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I have asked the online chat rep many questions but I did not get a clear answer & live chat is not on today.  So, I'm hoping someone here can help me.


The options for curriculum are: Common Core, MAFS (Florida standards), TEKS, (Texas standards), Ontario (Canada standards). 


1. I know I don't need Ontario, and I don't want Common Core so what do I choose? We live in Oklahoma. 

2.  The current setting is at "no curriculum override" then what curriculum are they doing?


Hoping Sweetpea3829 will reply.  :)





Hmmm...you don't HAVE to pick, but to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the default is, if the setting is at "No curriculum override."  I assumed that meant it went through all four curricula...but am not positive.  


Try asking here at the Prodigy Forum: http://prodigygame.vanillacommunity.com/discussions 



Also...as far as I understand it...it's actually better to not have an override unless you need it.  The game will automatically adjust to the student's ability.  


This is not always best though.  My 8 yr old, for example, was assessed as 2nd grade when he's actually 1st grade.  If he played without the override long enough, the game would adjust him appropriately.  But...his personality would not tolerate that well, because it would mean getting wrong answers and the world would end if we got too many wrong answers.  


So I had to put him in the CC 1st grade override.  When his math level is actually 2nd grade, I'll remove the override and allow the game to self-adjust.  He will conceivably answer more questions correctly and not be frustrated by being presented with material that is above his level.



And then of course there's the assignments option.  If you select specific assignments, those will populate into the game first.  When they run out, the game will default back to the curriculum it is set to.  

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Ok, so the Common Core Math is the same as everyone else's math? I thought it was suppose to be bad. 



No...it's not.  There's nothing wrong with the math.  And it's not "Common Core" math either...I hate hate hate that they call it that.  It's conceptual math.  And it's solid...when it's taught correctly by people who have been trained effectively.  


Unfortunately, it was poorly implemented and has been given a bad rap as a result.  But the math itself is good.


It's based on Singapore Math, which is one of the highest regarded math curriculums within the homeschool realm.  

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I agree with sweetpea.  It's better to not do the curriculum override.  I think I remember being asked to pick a curriculum (CC/Ontario/etc.) at the very beginning and picked common core, but I have each kid set to no curriculum override.  It's pretty cool how the program adjusts.  One of my kids "grade level" in the game changed all on it's own recently.  The program is pretty good at figuring out what they need to work on.

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It might be worth it to go into each of the choices and see which topics are covered for your children's grade level. It was actually interesting to see...there were quite a few differences! But there were no bad choices really, all the topics covered are appropriate for her grade and I figure all the types of problems will be covered at some point, albeit in different grades. (I'm trying to remember, but I think it may actually have been possible to choose whichever topics you want to cover from each set of standards.)

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