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I can't decide: CLE LA or R & S for grammar?


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We'll be finishing up FLL 4 soon (we drag it out over 5th grade), and I'm uncertain which way to go for grammar in 6th and beyond. On the one hand, we like CLE for math and Bible, but on the other hand, I don't want to over-utilize that format. We wouldn't need spelling or composition, either, just the grammar. How easy is it to pick out the grammar in CLE?


I keep coming back to Rod & Staff English as something different from the CLE workbooks (and spiral approach). But for this daughter, spiral works so well. She really does seem to need that constant review for retention, and when she has it, her mastery becomes rock solid. Also, R & S seems less independent than CLE (if we do it orally) OR it seems to require more writing from her (if we require her to write out the exercises). This comes at a time when she wants more independence, but has enough (other) written work. I don't want to pile on written work just for the sake of grammar! So I don't know.


Then again, FLL seems to have been okay here, and SWB is coming out with ALL soon, right? So.... But another part of me thinks that we aren't really certain that the concepts have been mastered with FLL, just the format and the somewhat formulaic exercises. I think she sort of "fills in the blanks" with FLL, and I wonder what would force her to think a bit more?


Again, this would just be for grammar and mechanics. For spelling, vocabulary, and composition we have resources that we prefer over either of these programs.

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We've used CLE and R&S, and there are things I love about both.  However, CLE doesn't seem to review things in subsequent years.  If I were you, I'd do the placement test for CLE, to see where your daughter lands. I haven't used FLL, but unless it covers everything that CLE has covered up until year 6, your child might be lost if that is where you begin the program.  It is easy to pick out the grammar in CLE and skip the writing and spelling.  It's the same as math; you can cross out sections you don't want your student to complete.


CLE is wonderful and it's full of grammar.  It's the type of program I would have loved as a student.  There is so much to learn and apply!  At the same time, the amount of material covered was overwhelming for my sons, and they did much better with R&S.  They remembered more of what they learned and they appreciated that the grammar learned was more practical.


I think in 6th, R&S could easily be independent, as long as you correct your child's work daily (or at least, very often).


A thought I had while reading your question: Do you need to continue grammar as a separate subject? If so, and if you want something that will make her really think about grammar, you might look at MCT products.  Have you ever looked in to Shurley Grammar?


Best wishes!

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We'll be finishing up FLL 4 soon (we drag it out over 5th grade), and I'm uncertain which way to go for grammar in 6th and beyond. On the one hand, we like CLE for math and Bible, but on the other hand, I don't want to over-utilize that format. We wouldn't need spelling or composition, either, just the grammar. How easy is it to pick out the grammar in CLE?


I keep coming back to Rod & Staff English as something different from the CLE workbooks (and spiral approach). But for this daughter, spiral works so well. She really does seem to need that constant review for retention, and when she has it, her mastery becomes rock solid. Also, R & S seems less independent than CLE (if we do it orally) OR it seems to require more writing from her (if we require her to write out the exercises). This comes at a time when she wants more independence, but has enough (other) written work. I don't want to pile on written work just for the sake of grammar! So I don't know.


Then again, FLL seems to have been okay here, and SWB is coming out with ALL soon, right? So.... But another part of me thinks that we aren't really certain that the concepts have been mastered with FLL, just the format and the somewhat formulaic exercises. I think she sort of "fills in the blanks" with FLL, and I wonder what would force her to think a bit more?


Again, this would just be for grammar and mechanics. For spelling, vocabulary, and composition we have resources that we prefer over either of these programs.


If you want *only* grammar, why not choose something that is only grammar? What about Analytical Grammar?

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We started off with R&S grammar, but my dd hated it.  We've used CLE grammar for 2 years now (5th &6th grade), and she loves it.  She only does the grammar portions of CLE as we like our other spelling and writing curriculum and wanted to stick with them.  It's easy to just skip the non-grammar sections in CLE.  It's a very solid grammar program IMO.

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CLE!!! Save yourself and your kids from tedium and too many words and over the top religion!!! Both are excellent but CLE is just so much easier to deal with.

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CLE does not re-teach concepts taught in previous years. So if things weren't covered in FLL, you will have to teach them. I tried CLE this year with 6th grade daughter just for a change (have always used R&S, plus she went to public school for 5th grade and didn't remember much from 4th), but she didn't know many of the things that were review in CLE, even in the first light unit. There was no teaching of the review topics in the book for someone switching into CLE. It just assumes you remember it from the previous year. I could have taught her, but R&S just does it so well. We pulled out the R&S and plugged right along. She is the one that wanted to try something new, and I was fine with that, but she even thought we should go back to R&S. I have used it with all three of my daughters and think it's great. There is an oral review that is in the teacher manual that we start with each day. It covers topics from the previous day and from several lessons back. We do most of it orally, except diagramming. This way I can immediately know if she understands it, and I don't have to grade/correct papers later. It is so much quicker for us both, because she can really drag her feet doing her work sometimes. Also, I believe speaking it correctly will carry over into writing, more so than the opposite, at least for us. My daughter needs plenty of review to keep it in there, too!

I will say that I think CLE would be equally as wonderful if used from the beginning. Maybe the review is re-taught in 5th grade level or below, but it wasn't in 6th. I do like the spelling being included. Hope this helps.

Edited by Katie.Louise
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