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Grammar: Winston Grammar or Analytical Grammar? OR?


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Years ago, I was gifted an old Winston Grammar set (1982).  It's pretty much complete (as far as I can tell), many parts were also laminated.  The worksheets are also unused.


DS (entering middle school) has completed FLL 1-4, and we've been working through Grammar/Practice Voyage (I don't have the next MCT level).

DD (entering 4th grade) has completed FLL 1-4.


I was toying with the idea of using the Winston Grammar for a different approach with both of them, adding in diagramming (for example, diagramming 3-5 sentences from the worksheets separately.)


DS would probably move through the program in one year, while I'd add the review for DD and have her move through it in 2 years.


So the Winston Grammar plan would look something like this:


DS (7-8) -- Winston Grammar 7th, Word Works in 8th, Advanced Grammar in 9th/10th

DD (4-5) -- Winston Grammar Basic, Word Works in 6th, Advanced Grammar in 7th/8th, probably analytical grammar, then in 9th (last year of formal grammar study)


Or, do I go with Analytical Grammar, Jr. for DD and Analytical Grammar for DS?




Neither finds grammar very difficult.  We tried CLE, but it was more work than oldest DS needed to do.  He does fine with MCT, but I don't have the next several levels.  


I would pretty much have to purchase something for him next year if we don't use Winston Grammar...and MCT is a hefty purchase (I'd rather use the money on Mosdos Press).


FWIW, my older two did Abeka (which was fine, too -- Pokeman finds it very tedious)





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I'd say use the WG, since you already have it.  We are using it, along with Fix It Grammar (not that you need both, we just like them both).  I haven't used AG or JAG, so I can't speak from personal experience...but I did get to preview both (a friend was selling hers).  I hate to say anything bad, because there are many people here who rave about it.  But...I would say only pick JAG/AG if you really (and I mean REALLY) want to do a lot of diagramming.  It's very heavy on diagramming (I personally feel it's a bit overkill on it...but that's just ME).  

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