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LA for grade 7 and up


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I am looking at what options are available for grade 7 up. Up until now, we have used mainly copywork, dictation and narration (mostly oral but she does do her own written narrations at times now). We do Latin to cover grammar and have nearly finished AAS for spelling.


She is very creative and loves words, language and writing. 


I guess I am looking for a program or structure of some sort, so I can begin to teach her the mechanics of writing or the different genres. I am at a loss as far as editing drafts go, so I haven't done much of that.


If you have used the CM approach in the younger years, what did you use to help you transition to written narrations that were of a higher quality? And what did you use to teach all that writing stuff in the high school years?


Thanks :)

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I love Write With the Best for middle school. There are two volumes. They teach different genres of writing through models, rather than formulas. The lessons are broken down into daily chunks. CBD has decent samples, Vol. 1 here and Vol. 2 here. (Click on Additional Views.)


Another one to look at is Maxwell's School Composition. This is a vintage reprint (although I believe you can view it free online). There are some happy users here on the boards which you will see if you do a search.


For high school we have moved to online writing courses.

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We have been pretty CM in elementary.  I started my 7th grader on Writing With Skill this year to give more structure to narrations.  It wouldn't be considered CM program, but for us it works well giving me ideas of what to assign for more specific narrations in content subjects.  We're taking it slow.

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Is WWS1 a good program? I am sure some love and some hate it lol

I used WWE with my girls when they were younger and formed my own writing curriculum from what I learned in WWE. So I guess WWS would be the next step? It looks like it would teach me what they need to know. If you used WWS, have your kids enjoyed it? Have they learned what they needed to know?

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