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Charlotte Mason Art Instruction: Creating A Masterpiece vs. The Virtual Instructor vs. Atelier

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Hi Everyone,


I am looking for a new homeschool art curriculum to use with my 8 and 9 year old.   (3rd and 4th grade.)     The thing that is different about my kids, compared to most people who ask this question, is that neither of my kids really like art.   They do it because I require it.   :)   HOWEVER, I still do want to require it at this age because I want them to be well rounded people, and my hope is that once they get going on a project, they will start to enjoy it on some type of level.  Maybe they won't ever love it or strive to do art professionally, but there is something therapeutic about creating something that seems to be good for human beings to do every now and then.   My grandma used to say that it is "good for your soul".  :)  


My Goals:

I do a fair job of regularly scheduling Art Appreciation into our days, but this summer I would like to focus more on Art Instruction.    I tend to fall into a sort of "Classical Mason" bootcamp.  And for that reason, I would like an art program that doesn't just produce throw-away craft projects, but something that the kids can spend some time on and get a sense of satisfaction when they complete.   I think that is going to be the key to sparking an interest in my kids.   This way they don't feel like they are wasting their time, but actually creating something worth keeping.   Something that they might be able to hang up, or frame in their room...and they can look at and feel a certain sense of pride in accomplishment.   


Things I Have Tried and Didn't Like:

I've tried "Home Art Studio" before and it was way too crafty for my kid's taste.  ( I don't think it was a waste of money, it just isn't what I am looking for.  It was more, "crafy things you can hang on your refrigerator".)

I've also tried Artistic Pursuits, and I really didn't like it.   (I thought it was way over priced and over hyped for what it was.)


Programs I am considering:

I recently read an article on Simply Charlotte Mason's blog about how to teach art, and I agree with a lot of what she said!   

She recommends a program called "creating a masterpiece".    I have never heard this program mentioned on this board.    Why is that?  Has anyone tried it? Is this just a dud...or is it an undiscovered curriculum gem?  


Another similar program I am considering is TheVirtualInstructor.  Has anyone tried this?   How do you think it compares to Creating a MasterPiece?  


And the third program I am considering is Atelier.   However, I can't tell if it will provide real art instruction....or just more refrigerator art.   


These programs are expensive.   So I am just trying to do my due diligence with researching them before I consider buying.   If you know of anything else worth researching, please let me know.  




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I haven't tried any of the programs you mentioned, but have you considered browsing pinterest for ideas?  Maybe even have the kids browse with you to see if anything appeals to them.  There are so many ideas on there and it's free... :)

Yes, I did that exact thing this year.   :)   The problem with pinterest, is that we often do the art programs together.  Which means I use the websites as guides and try to recreate what these art teachers (as an example) have done in their classroom.   AND...I'm not exactly the most talented artists myself, so my instruction is not that great.  

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When my oldest was around the age I used Art Lessons for Children with Donna Hugh. You watch the DVD and she does all the instruction. My kids REALLY enjoyed it because it was a completely different approach to art. For water color, she had the kids color their paper with the colors. Then, she would show how they could find shapes to turn that into seaweed, or a fish, or whatever. I liked that they were able to color first, and then find the art instead of being focused on drawing the perfect fish, you know? 

I just got them from the library, so you could try them out risk-free. 

Here's my product review from my blog.


I'd also recommend any of the Timberdoodle art projects from (I think it's called) Decco? They have clay, finger painting, painting..etc. But, the cool thing is that a lot of the art is already completed so they can just add in their own stuff. But, the finished project looks really nice. I find that a lot of times art is a drag because they can never make it look as good as what's in their mind. Of course, these are more expensive, and consumable...so it might be a more difficult thing to try on a recommendation. Since I know you IRL, I'd be happy to show you all the art stuff for my youngest so you can see what you think before investing any money. 


Edited to add product review and correct the procedure....it's been a few years!

Edited by MeghanL
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Yes, I think it was that thread that put VI on my radar several months back.    BUT---after re-reading it, I am starting to think that my kids are not 'serious' enough about art (or old enough) for that level.  


Maybe Creating a Materpience would be better for them.    I wish I could find a WTM-er who has used it though to get a first hand account/review.   :)  

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I have a few of the Creating A Masterpiece DVD's. I bought them because I was told they would no longer sell DVD's, but only offer their curriculum online. My girls are still young (6 and 7) so they haven't used them yet. I, however, did the pastels project. I wanted to test out the curriculum and get a feel for it. I am not exactly gifted when it comes to art. I had never used pastels before this. I thought it was great! I followed the simple instructions, and I made a beautiful picture that was worthy of a frame! I was kind of shocked. 😀 I think I might try some of these with my older daughter next year for 3rd grade. She will be 8. I think they would work well for 8 and up. I bought my DVD's from the simplycharlottemason website. I'm not sure if they're still available or not. If you can buy one to see how your kids respond to it, I would definitely recommend!

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I have a few of the Creating A Masterpiece DVD's. I bought them because I was told they would no longer sell DVD's, but only offer their curriculum online. My girls are still young (6 and 7) so they haven't used them yet. I, however, did the pastels project. I wanted to test out the curriculum and get a feel for it. I am not exactly gifted when it comes to art. I had never used pastels before this. I thought it was great! I followed the simple instructions, and I made a beautiful picture that was worthy of a frame! I was kind of shocked. 😀 I think I might try some of these with my older daughter next year for 3rd grade. She will be 8. I think they would work well for 8 and up. I bought my DVD's from the simplycharlottemason website. I'm not sure if they're still available or not. If you can buy one to see how your kids respond to it, I would definitely recommend!



NO!  Sadly they don't have the DVDs anymore.   Well, they have some level 4 DVDs...but my kids need the very beginner sets.  



P.S.   If anyone has some used that they want to sell, PM me.  :)

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