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French Grammar (cross-post)

Mama Anna

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I'll cross-post this to the high school board.


My dd 12 is working through Rosetta Stone French.  She is doing well with the pronunciation, the listening, and the reading.  (Writing is dependent on her remembering that all those accent thingies actually matter for the purposes of spelling.   :) )  However, her understanding of grammar is . . . weak, shall we say.  (I realize now that this is not surprising with RS.)  I need to supplement the grammar.


I don't want to give her a typical high school French text and have her wade through a complete different program.  I'm looking for something that is grammar-specific.  Something that teaches all the regular conjugations as well as the irregular verbs.  Something that explains which prepositions are used in which expressions, including idioms.  Etc.


Does the Hive have any BTDT suggestions?



Mama Anna

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