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Karella - anyone use these?


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Are they a form of bitter melon?  Ah, I just looked it up and yes, it is also known as bitter melon.  As it's name says, it is very bitter. Here is a recipe, though honestly my opinion is to not eat it!  http://www.travelchinaguide.com/tour/food/chinese-cooking/stir-fried-bittermelon.htm


I do have a funny bitter melon story, though.  I was taken out to eat by a Chinese friend and his relatives.  Bitter melon was one of the dishes.  I was taught from when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, to eat whatever I am served as a guest.  So I had some.  They were so surprised that a Westerner ate the bitter melon that they gave me another heaping spoonful!  Ack! 

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They are bitter in taste.Acquired taste.

You can soak them in salt water to reduce the bitterness but I have never felt any difference in taste after soaking .

Google results will come up with many indian curries.

If you are upto it here is a recipe,but be prepared to gag esp if you are not used to the taste!


Easiest is to soak for1/2 hour,cut them into pieces( scoop and dump the seeds that are inside) add about 2-3 table spoons of oil to a pan and saute on low till they are soft about 15 min,add salt, chilli powder to taste.

you can serve with rice!

Good luck

ETA if using only 1 bitter gourd reduce the quantity of oil to a tablespone!

Edited by mominco
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Yes the juice is supposedly really bitter! My mil used to juice it in her blender.

She would soak,cut,scope out insides and blend in with water.

Strain and drink.

She would always complain about how bitter it was but did it for her diabetes.


Don't know if she still does it though.

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They do make really cute St. Paddy's Day green hedgehogs! No one is brave enough to try eating them. I also discovered that our neighbours, from China, eat them all the time and grow them in the garden (more the smooth, bitter cucumber kind). So, if one finds the seed, these weird looking fruit will grow in the Great White North. Who'd have thought?  :laugh:

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Karella is also called bitter gourd.


One Indian way to cook these - cut them, scoop out and dump the seeds, boil them till partly cooked, and discard the water. That gets rid of the bitterness. Then cook them with a bit of oil and a paste of salt, chilli powder, curry powder, jaggery, and fresh grated coconut.


One Chinese way to cook these -  cut them, scoop out and dump the seeds, boil them with chopped carrots, red dates, and wolfberries. Add salt to taste. This soup uses a slighly different variety of bitter gourd. See this image; on the left is the variety cooked in India, on the right is the variety cooked in China.

Edited by nansk
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Did it help her diabetes? 


Sorry I just saw this.


Her problem is/was drinking the bitter gourd juice and then eating a lot of sugary deserts and high carb food.


She thought by drinking the juice she could eat anything and everything and expected the diabetics to magically disappear!


So while it might help someone it's clearly not helped MIL !

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Sorry I just saw this.


Her problem is/was drinking the bitter gourd juice and then eating a lot of sugary deserts and high carb food.


She thought by drinking the juice she could eat anything and everything and expected the diabetics to magically disappear!


So while it might help someone it's clearly not helped MIL !


Oh no!  Yeah, not the way it was intended to be used. . .

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Oh no!  Yeah, not the way it was intended to be used. . .


My Fil when he was alive used to keep her eating in control but since his passing she has no one to keep her in check even though  Bil who lives near her tries to but he obviously cannot be there all the time checking what she eats.

She has gotten very good at hiding her treats.


My dh talked to her last night and brought up the bitter gourd juice topic she said she has doubled her dose and she said and I quote,

see its obviously working,I am still alive and in good health are't I?


Sorry Op did not mean to go ot.

Edited by mominco
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