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I'm going into week 2. Flu has morphed into bronchitis--not fun at all. I'm still ridiculously exhausted and sleeping like crazy. I never get sick and have no patience for it, but at least I'm the only one in the family to have come down with it.


Stick the kids in front of the TV/video games or assign them independent study and take care of yourself!


I'm going back to work this morning (it's only 3 hours or so) after missing nearly a week. I was tested for flu, but it was bronchitis. My Dr. said the flu shot was pretty effective this year--he was subtly chastising me for not getting it.


Low grade fever, then one day of higher (101.1+ and chills), then another couple days of low fever.


Take care of yourself--sleep all you can.


Mine started with a really sore throat and morphed from there. How did yours start?


I started with a fever on Thursday night. By Saturday it went into bad cold symptoms. I'm beginning to think its morphed into a sinus infection. My fever was up to 101.8 last night. Woke up with slightly over 100 this am. It is getting old!


Can you take something like Flonase for the congestion? It won't help with the other symptoms but should help ease sinus pain. I finally gave in yesterday and went to the doctor and she was very glad I was already taking it. I also got put on an inhaler for the bronchitis which seems to be helping with the cough.


Watch out for pneumonia, that seems to be related to this particular flu.


Fwiw my symptoms started a week ago Monday--chills, high fever, wicked headache. I basically slept for 4 days straight, but had to go out of town over the weekend. Now I'm down to "just" bronchitis and exhaustion. I honestly don't think I've ever been sick for this long.


Hang in there and take it really easy if you can.


Is the weather nice where you are?  Can you give the boys the day off for pizza and video games or movies and spend the day sunbathing while bordering on the edge of tipsy with a few shots of hard alcohol?


Nothing kicks a virus as well as sunlight and alcohol.  Not kidding.  Sunlight & vitamin D kill virus & stop viral replication, and alcohol does the same. Combined they can make a huge difference in one day.  If you also have a sore throat, gargle with alcohol too.  Obviously be responsible about it, but it really does work.

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