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Please help me find piano (and recorder) sheet music: Song of the Sea / Bruno Coulais

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This is the song from the movie, on youtube, and this is what DS wants: https://youtu.be/WU2e0W40U0U


This is what I found: http://easypiano.cz/sheetmusic/680/dulaman-song-of-the-sea


Is this the same song?


Is this a legitimate source? One day membership seems really expensive, so they are hoping I'd subscribe for the year? I can't find any other source.


I'd also love to find this song for the soprano recorder.


I'm not very musical, so I can't tell by looking at the music if it is the same song that I'm hearing. I just bought an entirely different Song of the Sea pdf...Sigh...


Posted (edited)

I bought a studio ghibli collection from a website recommended to me on another thread for "Howl's moving castle". The book I bought does not have "song of the sea" - I think that it is a newer movie than the book that I purchased. You can email the seller if you wish and ask them if they have the specific sheet music that you want. They were responsive to me by email. Here is the website: http://animeartbookonline.com/contact-us.html

Good luck.


ETA: I somehow thought that the movie was from Studio Ghibli when I watched it. Hence all the wrong information in my post above (and my inability to track this piece in any studio ghibli sheet music - sorry).

Edited by mathnerd
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That Dulaman that she is playing in the excerpt from the sheet music site sounds like the Dulaman in the movie (we *love* that movie)


As far as I can tell there is no official soundtrack sheet music; DD10 has had to puzzle out the recorder tune for the songs she likes, which has actually been great for her :)  but a lot of work.


I cannot see the actual sheet music closely enough to tell if it matches what the girl is playing in the video next to the sheet music, though

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Thank you, everyone. At least this confirms that in this case it wasn't my utter inability to google (anything useful). I can google and find tons of useless stuff, of course!

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