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Which Math??


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I'm looking for a math program that teaches math similar to the way Teaching Textbooks teaches. My daughter is doing well with TT, but I think she needs something more. My older daughter used TT all through high school and did very well on her college entrance tests so I'm not worried that TT is behind or slow, it's just that my younger daughter needs more. My older daughter struggled with math, but my younger daughter does not. 


She tests very well on her standardized testing in math but I don't know that I'd say she is gifted. Me, I suck at math so I need something that can teach her and more importantly explain it to her. I can go through the motions but I don't understand math all too well so "that's the way I learned it" doesn't cut it with her lol. 


She is in 5th grade and finishing up 6th grade TT. I'm looking at switching her to either BJU math (Distance Learning DVD's) or Thinkwell. Does anyone have any experience with either one? 



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