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Would it be weird if...


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edited to add: DD just came in and said something changed and she doesn't have to leave until 9:30 in the morning, which gives her a 30-minute window to get this turned in herself tomorrow. Problem avoided in the twelfth hour! Phew! :)



I turned in a job application for dd? It's just a city/pool/sumer job - but right now, dd is crazy-busy/gone/doing school during all of the hours when she needs to stop by and drop off the paperwork, whereas I drive right by the place several times a week. I'd just hand the packet over to the lady at the front desk... that shouldn't be a problem, should it? Or will they just toss it into the trash can after I leave since Mom was dropping it off? :auto:

Edited by hopskipjump
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A few clubs/pools/centers we go to for classes has a drop box for summer job applications. Someone else does the looking through and sorting and the person may not be in everyday. So it is probably fine to just drop the application packet off on your daughter's behalf. Besides there are adults of all ages who work summer jobs too.

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Why not pop it in the mail?


Not enough time... we just realized that dd needs to get it in by Friday (they posted this evening that they were closing the application window on Friday... it had been open-ended). She's leaving town before dawn on Friday and will be gone for several days. :) Tomorrow, she leaves at 8 am (before they are open) and will be gone until 7 pm (after they are closed) - and that's how her schedule has been for the past 2-3 weeks. We kept thinking - SURELY - an hour or so would pop up where she could drive it by herself, but... no. Her schedule hovers between crazy-busy and insane - and this past month has been in the insane category.




edited to add: DD just came in and said something changed and she doesn't have to leave until 9:30 in the morning, which gives her a 30-minute window to get this turned in herself tomorrow. Problem avoided in the twelfth hour! Phew! :)

Edited by hopskipjump
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If it comes up again, I would get a sibling or friend to walk it in.


That thought (to have her sister take it in) had literally just occurred to me right before dd told me of the time change! :laugh:


DD got it turned in on her way out this morning, so all's good! :hurray:


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