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I know they are bare bones and not the "luxury" stuff we tend to put kids in here. There are nicer camps there too but our dates don't work with when his friend is going. DS did some sort of scouting on weekends when he was in France... He'd fly there and back with his friend (who has done so each summer since little). Feel free to PM me if more comfortable. I'm leaving the decision to him and trying to decide if these camps are worth trying to influence decision ;)


All I know from Belgium ( which is very France oriented) you can't attend a scouts camp without being member of a group.

The same for all Scout a like groups.


But besides specific language camps, we have al kind of other summercamps, sports, science, adventure, etc.

The main problem would be - I suppose - these are all 1 week camps.


Thanks. Attendance is not a problem it seems as the other mom arranged everything.

But DS does not want to go. He said his French scout experience mostly involved going to church. I'm not going to make him since we aren't religious.

I know there's many other camps, i just didn't want to send him all alone... Next year!

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