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Something like American Heritage Girls and other GS alternatives

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Personally, I think children's scouting shouldn't be co-ed.   I remember reading once about the reason behind the difference between the philosophies of girl ("Do It") and boy ("Be prepared") scouts.  If you tell a bunch of girls that the group is going to hike up a certain small mountain that day and that they need to figure out what they need to take and then go do it.   The girls will so much time preparing that the day will be gone before they are ready.   Whereas the boys will declare themselves ready to leave immediately, and then will look at each other when they get to the top and say "Who brought the food and water?"  

You put the two groups together and everyone is fine, but it will be the girls bringing the food and water, and it will be the boys getting the hike started.  But, they wouldn't have learned as much. 

My husband is a Eagle Scout and I was very into scouting.  We've often compared are differing and often opposite experience. 

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