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I need writing for both boys. I am posting here, but might cross post because they are going in to 7th and 9th grades. But they are so different, I wanted to post about them in the same post to see what people would do different.


9th grader is very formula. He loves everything he has now that is Memoria Press. Younger child is very creative. He is very smart, but he dances his way through things and is very intuitive. He would not do well with formula based. I would not classify either child as struggling. Old child has an outsourced Lit and History class so he needs something for writing he can do on the side. He writes a little for the lit and history, so he does not need a ton of work for what we do. But enough to polish his writing. Younger child does not have this outsourced. Both kind of just need to polish what they already do. 


I was considering Apologia Jump In as I already have it for the younger and Format Writing as I already have it for the older. Is this a cop out? Is there anything else that might be a good fit?

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For your boy who likes forumulas, WWS would be good, and there are classes that use it via WTMA.


For your younger son, he sounds like a perfect Bravewriter kid! You could sign him up for the Kidswrite Intermediate in 7th and Expository Essay in 8th, and he'd be right on track for high school. Or do both in one year, they are just 6 weeks each. If you don't want the online class, Help for High School is the print version, covers the material in both classes.  


Other things that have worked for my creative/intuitive 8th grader:  Lively Art of Writing (7th grade) and Writing With a Thesis (8th grade).  Both have been great - very big picture, not prescriptive or formulaic, but help her to understand what essays are all about.

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I was considering Apologia Jump In as I already have it for the younger and Format Writing as I already have it for the older. Is this a cop out? Is there anything else that might be a good fit?


I have two very similar students and I would absolutely recommend the two programs you already have. We did both programs here.  They sound like perfect fits for your students.


For future writing programs for the younger more creative writer, also take a look at One Year Adventure Novel and their middle school program Cover Story.  My creative writer has thoroughly enjoyed both of these.

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