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Well, I was going to go to bed, but I started reading someone's links about Waldorf school horrors and here it is 4:11am.  Ugh.


I really have to respond to some icky sticky emails before my clients start work in the morning.


The list:

  • Kids up & out to school, TGIF!
  • Clean the kitchen and some clutter.
  • Pet care.
  • Work.
  • Some reading.
  • Some exercise.
  • Personal stuff - depends on whether I'm home alone or not.
  • Kids to gymnastics.  Work while they play.
  • Dinner out.
  • Some old shows on DVD.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good morning!


It's been a good week.  Dh got home safe and sound from his business trip across the country and my oldest dd and her dh just got a NEW PUPPY!  I hope to be able to meet the little girl later today.


Take 17 yo to math tutor

Make 14 yo do more math

p/u 17 yo




Do the Latin we never got to yesterday

Do some science that we only got to once this week!!!!  We are going to be doing science all summer.

Clean the main floor (never got to this yesterday)


Take 14 yo to friends house (they are being ushers together at a community theater production tonight)

p/u 14 yo

Stay up to listen to oldest son's radio show.

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Good Morning...


I'm still sipping coffee after an early morning phone call from dh work...the beltway was closed inner and outer loop for a fatal crash.  No exactly how I like to wake up, but thankfully dh was just leaving when they called and planned a different route.


I've had breakfast and tidied the main floor....just have to vacuum.

Made the bed and tidied our bedroom.


Next up...exercise.


Then come home and make a list and pick up everything we need for the next week today.


I'm going to spend the weekend in DC with dh.  He has to work and Sunday is my bday and I'm going to stay with him up there.  He has students arriving Sunday and after the meet and greet we can walk around DC.  I'll be back Monday afternoon.   I'm so excited!! :)


Have a great day everyone!! 

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Posted (edited)

Good morning
- dd2 morning meds- done
- laundry- load in dryer
- tidy house- round one done of living room, kitchen and hall and I vacuumed and swept the floors
- school work- completed all assigned EAQS and organized my binders, completed med term assignment that is due on tuesday and submitted the screen shot of the quiz
- print stuff for school- done
- finish stuff for Chicago trip (activities planned, where to eat is mostly planned and hotel done, just looking at the route and planning those stops to let the girls run around)
- get dd1 off bus- done
- dd1 BB gun club (she's making a coat rack tonight for the fair and dh is going to take her, well so far anyways)- took and had dd2, he is going to take them to his parents house for a little afterwards before he brings them home (dd2 has been wanting papa and grandma (grandma had another name that dd2 call her and I don't know how to say)- done
- dinner- done
- baths- not needed
- dd2 bedtime meds- done
- bedtime routine- done
- anything else I get done- nothing really

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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What am I gonna do with my youngest 9yo?  Gosh she is stubborn, and she almost missed the bus today because of it.  (She did get up on time!)  Ms. Bus Driver surely had some commentary for her this morning.  :/

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I started strong, but I'm ready for a morning nap


so far I have:

survived dd17's grouchy morning

breakfast and sack lunches for all

kids out the door 

sent out agenda for meeting later today

kitchen tidied up

listened to my Suzuki music

played Suzuki cd for 2 kids


next up:

read and take a little rest for an hour (not sleeping well)

fold laundry

general tidy up


violin practice

meeting at 1pm

follow up calls

help ds with big book report

dinner - pizza? (salad for the non bread eater (me))

go hang out with my sister



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Last night was bad! I had the worst migraine of my life and my entire body aches. Somehow I fell asleep and got a solid 8 hours. Now I just feel hungover. So today will be spent resting as much as I can

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Posted (edited)

Wow it's only 10 am and I've accomplished all that I had planned as far as cleaning the house hmmm might start folding laundry after doing some school work.

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Drop kids at tutorial.

Go to church and do the work I didn't get done yesterday.

Teacher's store for mahvelous tape.


Pick up kids.

Drop Dd at my mom's.

Aldi. (while simultaneously figuring out dinner for tonight and tomorrow night)

Home with Ds.

Check Redbox for movies.



Dinner? Something inexpensive. 

Figure out where the the place I need to go tomorrow morning is and print.

Do some school organizing? 

Make a to do list for Dh for tomorrow, since I will be out of pocket all day.




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Good morning! We have lunch with my mom today and dd1 has a swim meet this afternoon.


To do:

School for all

Paperwork (almost done)

Kitchen clean up/ general pick up


Lunch with mom

Meet with dd1


Have a great day!

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OK - I'm up for the day now.  Everyone is gone but me and all the animals.  I need to put on some music (instrumental folk, this time) and knock some things off of my list.  I'm feeling a bit on-edge and I think that getting a few things off of my plate might help with that.

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Well, we are 0 for 3 offers. It is nuts. We are losing out to cash offers even going way, way over list price (this last one was 33,000 over). The whole thing is not okay on so many levels.

And as the market is heating up, we can't afford most coming on the market. The one house per day in our price range. Getting very, very tired of this. And I hate feeling like we don't have enough. Because we do and are blessed.


I think I've figured out that my on-edge feeling is actually signaling that I'm cold.  I hate having broken temperature sensors in my body.  Time to bundle up a bit more.



Human care is done

Pet care is done

Bed is made


Now to finish up medical care. 

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I called to schedule an appt for my daughter to have a vision therapy assessment done.  


She is working on a placement test.  


I'm trying to finish some paperwork during our Quiet Time.  


This weekend we will be packing to move to a rental next month after selling our current place and not being able to find what we want for sale in the area we are looking.  

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Medical care done

Took a message from the nursing home on a very minor thing that somehow they always manage to blow up into a huge deal.

Cleaned the kitchen

Dealt with compost

Dealt with recycling including the glass that I broke on the driveway.

Calmed my neighbor down who was freaking out that a car has driven by and slowed down in front of our house for 3x in a row.  (People always get lost in this area). 


OK - next:  clean the CPap and then sort the mail / bills / etc.

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OK I'm feeling relatively normal again! I got all of March's bills paid today and am going to try to get laundry and dishes done. Other than that I'm not doing anything. Dinner will be pizza

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I was hoping for a quiet night, but Ds is having a meltdown. At least Dh is dealing with him.



"I AM NOT TIRED! I AM NOT TIRED!", he says, stamping his way off to his room.  :(


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