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No baby here yet...Elizabeth, you?


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I'm still here and 5 days overdue now. My 12yo's bday is today, so I need to get in the shower because I'm taking her out in a little bit. We'll probably get pedicures and then go to Build A Bear. I'm having a little trouble getting motivated. Tomorrow I go see my midwife at 1:45pm--she's going to try and sweep my membranes. I almost hope it doesn't work because we'll have to leave the office, go pick up our oldest at her dorm an hour away, then head north and west to pick up our next one down from her high school. We won't get home until 6:30 or so. If the membranes work, I could be having a carbirth, LOL


I'm feeling the pressure a little bit because Meghan will only be here until Sunday the 28th and then she goes back to school for 3 weeks. She will be so sad if she doesn't get to meet her newest sibling until s/he is almost a month old. I'm feeling swollen, groggy and quite sorry for myself today. I'm beginning to wonder if a hospital birth might not be more peaceful than trying to give birth here in this zoo.


Okay, time to make coffee and buck up a little bit :D



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I'm still here and 5 days overdue now. My 12yo's bday is today, so I need to get in the shower because I'm taking her out in a little bit. We'll probably get pedicures and then go to Build A Bear. I'm having a little trouble getting motivated. Tomorrow I go see my midwife at 1:45pm--she's going to try and sweep my membranes. I almost hope it doesn't work because we'll have to leave the office, go pick up our oldest at her dorm an hour away, then head north and west to pick up our next one down from her high school. We won't get home until 6:30 or so. If the membranes work, I could be having a carbirth, LOL


I'm feeling the pressure a little bit because Meghan will only be here until Sunday the 28th and then she goes back to school for 3 weeks. She will be so sad if she doesn't get to meet her newest sibling until s/he is almost a month old. I'm feeling swollen, groggy and quite sorry for myself today. I'm beginning to wonder if a hospital birth might not be more peaceful than trying to give birth here in this zoo.


Okay, time to make coffee and buck up a little bit :D




Come on baby!

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Just checking to see if baby made an arrival yet?


Nope. I'm starting to think I'm broken. Going to the midwife today to have my membranes stripped. I guess that has about a 50-50 chance of working. Any success stories? I've only had this done once, and that was with my first baby. It worked, but I was 7 days overdue. Right now I'm 6 days over counting from date of conception, but only 2-3 days over counting from my LMP. I'm kind of hoping to hold out now until Sunday because my oldest is coming home from college this weekend and bringing her cold with her. Ah well. Babies come when they're ready.



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Babies come when they're ready.




They do, but it doesn't make the waiting any easier. My last pregnancy due date was very flexible since I didn't have a period in between pregnancies. When that 'ol "due date" came around, I was good and ready to have a baby. She came 7 days later, probably right on time. ;)



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I had my membranes stripped with my last pregnancy. Midwife did it at my request one day past due date. Dh was leaving town in 5 days, and I really wanted to deliver while he was in town. I didn't deliver until 3 days after she stripped the membranes. :tongue_smilie: But hey, at least dh was able to be there! :001_smile:


Hope your little one arrives soon!

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