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What's everyone doing for Valentine's Day?


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If I'm lucky, dh will take the kids to his grandmother's for Sunday lunch and I'll get two whole hours of peace and quiet to myself! :001_wub:  Which I will NOT spend doing dishes or laundry or planning for next school year. Probably.


If I'm not as lucky, dd has strep throat and I'll get to make a trip to the urgent care instead. Then we'll all be home all day hoping nobody else gets it. That's looking like the most likely scenario right now...


ETA: Strep throat for the win. And probably an ENT consult this week regarding a tonsillectomy. :glare: Poor dd feels just awful (b/c she's sick, not b/c of Valentine's Day). It's pitiful. But dh did surprise us all with little boxes of candy. I thought it was so sweet that he got things for the kids too.

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Dh and my aniversary is this week as well as valentines. We aren't really together any more as a couple, but we still live together, so it will just be another awkward day of feeling like we should be doing something, but not.


I think I might take dd17 shopping for the day so we can avoid being home.


I bought everyone a valentine's treat, including dh, as usual. I tried hard to think of something that acknowledged him, but nothing ronantic. I decided on bag of chocolate donuts, which i know he likes but is not something I would normally buy......but when I got home, I found out that he bought a big container of chocolate donuts from costco today. I'm thinking that I will just take the donuts to work instead.

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After Mass, dh decided to surprise the kids with a trip to Duck Donuts(donuts made to order place) because they feel like Valentine's Day is really important. Don't know where they got that idea because they haven't seen any commercials for it and dh and I don't put emphasis on it.  But whatever they are feeling very loved and very loving today so might as well encourage it.  Although they are very loving to each other most days.

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We had plans but they got changed. My dh has to work on my daughter's care. Her breaks went out this morning while she was driving and the cost at the local shop was $1400 so dh said he can do it himself for a third of that. Guess our plans are put on hold. I'll get the tv free though.


It is car day. We got a flat tire. Luckily we were near a tire place and it was downtown so we were able to get a cheap cab home! Otherwise it went wonderfully.

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I've never seen this show. Is it appropriate for kids -- who are 12 -- or is it an adult show?

Noooooo! It's either TV-14 or TV-MA, but it's a show about zombies. Lots of violence. Tonight's opening is supposed to be especially bloody. DH likes the show. I can't deal with it. He doesn't let our 12 yr old watch, and we are on the more lax end of the spectrum media-wise on many things.


Edited to answer the question: nearly nothing? I got DH a card. I was promised breakfast in bed. :rofl: I made breakfast for everyone. Then cleaned up. We will probably go to Costco and the grocery store. Then I'll cook dinner and clean up. Such an exciting existence. :P

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Tomorrow should be the thread, "What REALLY happened on Valentine's Day."


My honey is driving his buddy home (3 hour drive) so they can chat. So romantic! I'm at home with 3 barky dogs and extra kids in the house. It's - 9 F ( - 32 F with the windchill) outside, so we're all trapped inside!  :cursing:

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I got everyone one piece of candy so I got dh a lychee chocolate bar. He loves lychee. It's my SIL's birthday so we had her over for lunch and as a present to her told her to invite whoever she wanted. She invited several friends and dh made her a big Chinese feast. Neither of us are big Valentine's people anyway but since it's her birthday that usually is how we celebrate. I should probably add that she is single and devotes a lot of time to our family. In fact as she was leaving she asked when she could babysit next so dh and I  could go out for a date. 

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Tomorrow should be the thread, "What REALLY happened on Valentine's Day."


My honey is driving his buddy home (3 hour drive) so they can chat. So romantic! I'm at home with 3 barky dogs and extra kids in the house. It's - 9 F ( - 32 F with the windchill) outside, so we're all trapped inside!  :cursing:


:grouphug:  I hope the rest of the day goes better for you.  Any chance the kids can get distracted playing or watching something so you can at least have some peace and quiet?

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We actually went to McD's for lunch (and our Shamrock Shakes).  It works for Valentine's for us.  I had to wonder about an older couple at the table at a table across from us.  They were there practically the whole time we were - eating and also drinking milkshakes - but each was on their own smartphone.  I don't believe I heard them say a single word to each other.  Happy Valentine's Day?  :confused1:


One of the things I cherish about hubby is we never run out of things to say when with each other - and we've never gotten on the phone craze.


To each our own.  Hopefully they enjoyed their day.


We're getting ready to start putting a puzzle together after he's beaten me soundly at Five Crowns and a little more closely with Yahtzee.  It's obviously not my lucky day, so hopefully a puzzle will work out better for me!

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Dh brought home Valentines Day goodies for us on Friday. Then last night he took me for a walk around the mall, some antique shops, and dinner at the lodge we were married in. He did good!



We never usually do anything.. but I kind of hinted I wanted something this year. It feels good to be spoiled :) I could get used to this ;)


As for today.. its snowing like crazy.. we took naps.. and now I'm looking forward to The Walking Dead.

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DH was out of state till Saturday and sick for about a week now. However, he did well. I received Holly Yashi heart earrings and necklace, a small heart-shaped Whitman's sampler of chocolates and a lovely card. Meg received a wonderful card and a box of Whitman chocolates also. He also surprised us with tickets to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with back stage passes. :)

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If I have the energy and dd is sleeping, I'll spend some time with dh and watch The Walking Dead when he gets home.


ETA: the boys gave me early vday gifts days ago and we gave dh tulips for his desk at work. I know it's non-traditional, but he likes tulips and has never been given flowers.

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Just wondering because I love hearing about how others celebrate different holidays.


We have never celebrated Valentine's Day. I have always hated how huge of an emphasis has been put on the day but am always thrilled for other people's happiness. This year is the first day I'll be celebrating it since I was a elementary student handing out silly premade cards to classmates. My children heard from their grandmother that Sunday was Valentine's Day, she always gets everyone a little card and some chocolate, so there kids took it upon themselves to make cards for family members. This turned into dh making me a card because the kids wanted him to(I haven't seen it yet.) So I decided to follow in Ralph Wiggum's footsteps and made dh a card that says " I choo choo choose you." With a picture of a train on it. And that is the extent of our celebration.


What do you do?


We didn't celebrate Valentine's Day for 14 years.  It's our Hannah's birthday, the daughter we lost.  So instead we celebrated her birthday.


Last year, DH and I went out (romantically, not just to Lowe's, lol) *AND* celebrated her birtday.   This year I felt okay with NOT making a birthday cake.   It struck me as a very strange feeling.  He brought home a fruit bouquet and I made him heart shaped molasses cookies. Then we drywalled together. :D



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