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I have a brag- well two, I am so happy!


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I just found out today that the summer research project that my advisor applied for has been approved with funding. It will be me and him working on research for my honor's project over the summer, which is slated to be submitted for presentation by the end of the year. Our goal is for me to present it at a conference in 2017. My honor's project is working with a select set of forged English charters from the 10th-12th century and we get to read them all in Latin. Sadly we cannot see the originals, and my Latin skills are really rusty (will be working on those this spring). I am so stoked. My advisor is awesome to work with. I told ds that I'm excited because I get to go to summer school! He just kind of rolled his eyes at me. 


Next week ds is getting final details on a two-week faculty led study abroad trip to Japan this summer. He's got his deposit set to make and some avenues to get the rest of the funding. Many of you know he has been studying Japanese for a while and it's been the top of his place to visit.


I know so many of you have read the posts about how my life imploded a few years and so many of you have been so supportive of my journey to college in my 40s. So I wanted to share this happy news. 

Congratulations!  Sounds great.  My oldest loved Japan. 


That's great for you too, about the funding!

What a great week for you.   

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Thank you all. Ds had his meeting on Monday and the biggest glitch is that they are only taking 16 people and they have about 25+ interested. I had ds write up a small essay because he's not really known as a undeclared freshman. My mom is so excited for him, she started crying on the phone with me yesterday because she wants him to go so badly (and is helping with some costs) to honor my father's memory. He was in stationed in Japan in the 50s and Japan was often a topic of conversation between ds and my father. My avatar is a picture my dad took then. Then the ex called last night and volunteered to pay for his passport. 


So if you have any prayers or happy thoughts or vibes to send our way, please do so. We would appreciate it. 

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So if you have any prayers or happy thoughts or vibes to send our way, please do so. We would appreciate it. 


Totally sending both. I'm so stinking proud of you and I am happy for your ds! I hope it all works out for him to go. You have both proved what survivors you are the last couple of years and I just couldn't be happier for you both right now!!

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Thank you all. Ds had his meeting on Monday and the biggest glitch is that they are only taking 16 people and they have about 25+ interested. I had ds write up a small essay because he's not really known as a undeclared freshman. My mom is so excited for him, she started crying on the phone with me yesterday because she wants him to go so badly (and is helping with some costs) to honor my father's memory. He was in stationed in Japan in the 50s and Japan was often a topic of conversation between ds and my father. My avatar is a picture my dad took then. Then the ex called last night and volunteered to pay for his passport. 


So if you have any prayers or happy thoughts or vibes to send our way, please do so. We would appreciate it. 


When is he supposed to find out if he gets to go?

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UPDATE:  HE'S GOING TO JAPAN!!!! He got notification last night. 


:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:



I am so excited for him. 


Warning SC (sentimental content): When he was about 13-14, he started thinking of Japan and saying how he'd like to visit. When you're a broke parent and your marriage isn't going well and money is the biggest issue, you don't see how your child could ever afford to do something so expensive, but you don't crush your kid's dream, right? My goal at that age was to travel the world and I've only been out of the country once. I work really hard (mentally) to not let my circumstances dictate my son's life. 


We have kept trudging forward these last few years. I saw the trip advertised at school and he took it from there. I hope (and believe) that this trip will help him see the idea that world is there to explore, and that it will be the catalyst to keep him moving forward with his life and academic goals. 


My dad was so excited about him possibly going on this trip. I know he won't be here to physically cheer him on, but I think somewhere in this universe, he knows. 


Ds was so tired last night, he was pretty chilled about the idea. He'll probably let my mom and me be the emotional ones about the trip and he'll just be practical. 


So thank you all for the well wishes. This is really happening.  :thumbup:

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UPDATE:  HE'S GOING TO JAPAN!!!! He got notification last night. 


:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:



I am so excited for him. 


Warning SC (sentimental content): When he was about 13-14, he started thinking of Japan and saying how he'd like to visit. When you're a broke parent and your marriage isn't going well and money is the biggest issue, you don't see how your child could ever afford to do something so expensive, but you don't crush your kid's dream, right? My goal at that age was to travel the world and I've only been out of the country once. I work really hard (mentally) to not let my circumstances dictate my son's life. 


We have kept trudging forward these last few years. I saw the trip advertised at school and he took it from there. I hope (and believe) that this trip will help him see the idea that world is there to explore, and that it will be the catalyst to keep him moving forward with his life and academic goals. 


My dad was so excited about him possibly going on this trip. I know he won't be here to physically cheer him on, but I think somewhere in this universe, he knows. 


Ds was so tired last night, he was pretty chilled about the idea. He'll probably let my mom and me be the emotional ones about the trip and he'll just be practical. 


So thank you all for the well wishes. This is really happening.  :thumbup:

When does he leave!!!! Yay!!!

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