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Skoldo French


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Is there anyone who could review Skoldo French for me?   Where is the best place to buy this if living in the US?   Is the teacher's guide necessary? 


Also, do you think someone who has had only US Public School French for 3 years could teach this?   (I am brushing up with Duolingo.)   I think I could based on the samples I see online...but would love to hear any first hand experience.    




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I have been using it for the last several years with my younger children. We've done Skoldo 1 in 1st grade, bk 2 in 2nd grade, bk 3 in 3rd grade, and then moved onto Galore Park's SYRWTL French in 4th grade. I order from Book Depository. 


The format is really straightforward. It's just a workbook with an audio cd. The workbook pages mainly teach themed vocabulary, but they are occasionally interspersed with pages that have French songs or simple reviews. The regular workbook pages have new vocabulary words and grammatical concepts in a box at the top (5-10 new words per page), 2-3 written activities, and then a French conversation at the bottom of the page. The corresponding track on the audio cd has a recording of each new word being pronounced clearly and then the conversation at a more normal speaking speed. The pages with songs have a recording of a song on the audio cd instead. You don't need the teacher's guide.


We spend about a week per page which also gives us time to listen to French books and just converse in French. At that rate, we finish each book in one year. If you have any French background at all (even just a few years in high school) then you won't have any problem using it. It's simple, fun, and only takes about 10 min per day, but your kids will not achieve fluency with this or any other program aimed at early elementary. I don't think it's possible at that age without a fluent teacher. My goal, though, has been to just introduce my kids to French in a gentle way. I want them to be hearing the French language daily and to be starting to converse in a simple way, and I really like Skoldo for that. My kids have really enjoyed it, but didn't start to make real progress with French until they started SYRWTL French in 4th grade. 

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I have been using it for the last several years with my younger children. We've done Skoldo 1 in 1st grade, bk 2 in 2nd grade, bk 3 in 3rd grade, and then moved onto Galore Park's SYRWTL French in 4th grade. I order from Book Depository. 




My children are in Grades 2, 4, and 6. They have had minimal French, the older two use Duolingo. I have tried to teach a little French with some resources we have, but nothing too major.


Wondering, how you think Skoldo would work for any of my girls, particularly my youngest two?


Would SYWTLF work for an 11 year old? Or would it be better to move onto something else?

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My children are in Grades 2, 4, and 6. They have had minimal French, the older two use Duolingo. I have tried to teach a little French with some resources we have, but nothing too major.


Wondering, how you think Skoldo would work for any of my girls, particularly my youngest two?


Would SYWTLF work for an 11 year old? Or would it be better to move onto something else?


Skoldo would be great for your 2nd grader. Your 4th grader could use it also, but would probably get more out of Galore Park's SYRWTL French.


For your 11-yr-old, I would definitely go with SYRWTL French. That's the age group it's written for, and it's a very well done series. For us it has fit perfectly into that window where my kids were old enough to really be learning the language, but not quite ready to take online high school level French classes yet.

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Skoldo would be great for your 2nd grader. Your 4th grader could use it also, but would probably get more out of Galore Park's SYRWTL French.


For your 11-yr-old, I would definitely go with SYRWTL French. That's the age group it's written for, and it's a very well done series. For us it has fit perfectly into that window where my kids were old enough to really be learning the language, but not quite ready to take online high school level French classes yet.


Yes I was thinking that, upon looking further at them both. :)


Think I will opt for Skoldo for my 2nd grader. My 4th grader preferred the look of those books compared with SYRWTL French, but I think she could handle SYRWTL French, perhaps at a slower pace than my 6th grader. My 6th grader really likes the look of SYRWTL French.


Is SYRWTL French consumable or can I have each of my girls use it, without having to outlay any more money?

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No, it's a textbook so they can both use it. They will need to do written exercises and translations on a separate paper or in a notebook.


My kids have started SYRWTL French in 4th grade, and we have just moved at a slightly slower pace. It took my oldest daughter 3 years to finish the French 1 and French 2 books. She completed about 2/3 of a book each year. We never used the level 3 book, because she is taking an online high school French class instead.

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