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Hello! DS12 just took the Weschsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III). His IQ score is in the gifted range. The results in most areas were Grade Equivalent >12.9, except essay composition, which was 3.8. I have always known he has had trouble getting his thoughts on paper, so this isn't surprising, but is it common to have such a great difference between all other abilities and this one low score? His sentence composition grade equivalent was >12.9, so he can apparently write sentences, but this essay score is perplexing. We are working with a tutor to specifically improve his composition skills, btw.


Is it common for a gifted kid to have an area that is weak?


Not only is it common, it is hallmark for to have discrepancies! Sometimes they indicate a learning disability (2e) but often it is just asynchronous development.

Thank you! We might see an occupational therapist to test for dysgraphia.


No idea about the WIAT. However DS11 had a hard time writing anything for writing tests when he was in public school because of his perfectionism. His writing homework were on grade level.

DS10 on the other hand does not have perfectionism issues for PS writing tests but he is also less careful when writing and needs to proofread.


So check with his composition tutor how much is ability and how much is perfectionism.


My boys are both weaker at the reading comprehension section of any standardized tests. Their gap was about 5 grade equivalent.

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