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High School/Middle School planning/social/support group for the outside the norm families...

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I wondered if people wanted to start a private chat group for planning and supporting High School or even Middle School choices for their child with differences (since some have expressed to me their discomfort at posting on a public chat board regarding specifics). Post here or PM me if you are interested.

Edited by OneStepAtATime
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O.k. I will create one. I have had some requests on PM too.  


Let me clarify, I am creating the group for parents of kids that may not be taking a standard path, including kids on the spectrum, kids with dyslexia, kids with anxiety, or whatever.  Some may be gifted, some average, some may have lower IQ, etc.  I will keep the group open to new members but the group itself I would prefer tol be private.   Unfortunately, this means new members will be able to join by invitation only.  Feel free to suggest members, though.  I don't want to exclude anyone that might find a group like this helpful.  Anyone interested can post here and they will be added, too.  I prefer to keep it private so that people can feel more free to share whatever they may wish to share.  I would also suggest, when the poster is willing,  that if someone has great ideas that might help the general WTM population we can also link the information here on the LC board so more people can gain from the information.  Personal info would remain private, though.


Any suggestions for a name?  

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When you get on the group, please introduce yourself.   :)


ETA:  If you have never been part of a social group on WTM before, once you are a member the group should show up at the bottom of the page when you are on the main WTM forums page.  You can also get on by clicking the Social Groups tab at the top.

Edited by OneStepAtATime
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