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My oldest will be entering 6th grade next year, and in the fall I want to include some thorough lessons on internet safety and etiquette before she can have her own email address or get on message boards. Does anyone have a resource they use for this? I tried searching the forum, but all I found were mentions that it should be taught without any clues as to how it can actually be done. Are there any websites or books written for middle schoolers or teens?




They way I handle it is to allow my daughter to use social media, with me sitting with her to guide her if needed. Some people freaked out when I let my 10 year old to get an email and start using facebook, but I think the best way to learn to use it safely is to start doing it with me alongside her for a year or two. I point out all the "tricksters" and scams as we go. She probably knows more about internet safety than most adults who use it.

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