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Let's just say that I'm 45 and needing a little more progesterone for various woman reasons.  I've been told that Wild Yam is a good idea.  Any brands?  Suggestions?


From what I understand, natural progesterone is derived in a laboratory from wild yam, but the human body does not synthesize progesterone from ingesting wild yam.  


You'd be better off using a topical natural progesterone cream.  Like red squirrel, I prefer Emerita brand.  I also get it from Amazon.  I found one that also contains Vitamin D.  I rarely go outside this time of year, so I like the idea of adding some D to my daily routine.


There is a pamphlet in the Emerita box that gives instructions about how/when to use it.  

You can read more about it in either of two classic books Dr. John R. Lee: What Your Doctor May Not Have Told You About Menopause, or What Your Doctor May Not Have Told You About Pre-menopause

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