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Sending my friend a tough love email

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I have been friends with a gal for over 25 years (egads I've lived awhile!) and she's been calling lately asking for "advice." The bottom line is that her marriage stinks. Really.Stinks. It's not a marriage, they just co-habitat. So, tonight, I am sending her an email. It's pretty tough and pointed. I hope she hears it in the spirit that I am sending it. Which is I love her and hope the best for her. What she has isn't the best. Life is never what we expect, is it? It really got me thinking about courage, which I blogged about.

And in conclusion I really appreciate these boards and all of you who post regularly. You inspire me to do what I am doing with zeal!

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I don't think I'd e-mail advice regrading her marriage. Situations change and having an e-mail floating around that may hurt your friend or her dh may not be helpful. How about a phone call instead?




:iagree: Even on the phone, though, I would be very careful. I have a friend that still thinks I don't like her dh, just because when he dumped her once while they were dating (20 years ago) I expressed that I thought she deserved better because he didn't treat her well. She took that to mean I didn't like him, even after he started treating her right later, and it strained our relationship when they got back together and married.

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I don't think I'd e-mail advice regrading her marriage. Situations change and having an e-mail floating around that may hurt your friend or her dh may not be helpful. How about a phone call instead?






Also, sometimes, they just want to vent and even though they might *say* they are looking for advice, they really aren't -- and next thing you know, you're a "B who knows everything!" ;)

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As a divorced mom myself, I'd encourage you to think boundaries instead of opinion.


"I can't talk to you about his affair anymore."




"You won't see he's a jerk."




"I won't be offering any more book recommendations"




"Get out already!"


You are probably *right* about your opinions.


Ok, now to totally negate what I just said. ;) If she is in an abusive situation (and by that I do NOT limit it to physical), I'd be more direct. Often women in non physical but abusive situations don't know that they are being abused/disrespected because the control and abuse has happened so slowly, over years.

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It sounds like you've known your friend for quite a long time, lioness, and I'm sure you know her well enough to discern whether she's just looking for a vent or some actual advice. If it's actually advice she wants give it to her, but be ready to accept the consequences! What I mean is, she may actually take it.


And I recommend NEVER sending strong, emotional messages via e-mail. I learned that the hard way, getting my dh's family all in an uproar over something that didn't quite come through electronically the way I meant it! :blink: A phone call is always better.

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:iagree: with Joanne (as usual) about process.




As a divorced mom myself, I'd encourage you to think boundaries instead of opinion.




Ok, now to totally negate what I just said. ;) If she is in an abusive situation (and by that I do NOT limit it to physical), I'd be more direct. Often women in non physical but abusive situations don't know that they are being abused/disrespected because the control and abuse has happened so slowly, over years.


I also agree with the others who suggest not putting it in writing but speak directly to her (making it even harder , I know)

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