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What are your curriculum plans for 2016-2017?

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Ditto. Not on the PVC, but just on the fact that this semester is still evolving!


Oh, here too! We keep adding and dropping things. We've changed materials or plans for every single subject my 8th grader is studying, except Rhetoric. At the level of detail, our plans have been in constant flux. But they've followed the general vision set out in planning last year, and the ch-ch-changes don't stop me from planning for next year! 


In fact, one of the consequences of planning for next year is that we're really excited, and we're going to start some of the subjects we've planned for next year in April.  :D

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Aops algebra

Tog y3


Elemental earth & space and biology w rainbow labs

Art of argument

Rod And staff grammar

Latin for children b

Spanish for children b

Vocab from the classical roots

Spelling power



Singapore and beast

Elemental physics with tops labs



Logic books

Getting started with Spanish

Getting started with Latin

Tog y3



Same as 4th grader only a grade lower in math



Elemental science prek


Singapore early bird a with rs


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Boo -- 2nd

Abeka DVDs for reading, spelling grammar, penmanship, math, science

VP Bible (Gen-Joshua)

VP History (OTAE)

Song School Latin

Muzzy Italian


Blondie -- 4th

VP Bible

VP History (MARR)

Reading list with vocabulary

CLE language arts 4/5

Math Mammoth 5/CLE math 5

Apologia science Botany and Zoology 1

Latin 4 Children A

Muzzy Italian


Pokeman 7th


English 7 (MCT, Killgallon, WWS1B, Reading list w/ vocabulary)

Algebra 1 (at school)

World History 2 (K12, hopefully World History Detective 2)

Biology (Abeka w/DVD)

Chinese 1 (at school)

PE/Health 7 (at school)

Art/computers (at school)

Game Design 1


PonyGirl - 9th


English 9 (Abeka 10 DVD, plus reading list, and Killgallon)

Precalculus or AP Statistics (at school)

AP Physics 1 or AP Environmental (at school)

AP Human Geography (text and lectures still TBD)

German 3 (at school)

PE/Health 9 (Abeka DVD)

Marine Biology (Apologia, plus additional lectures and lab)

Studio Art or Drama (at school)

Drawing or Digital photography (Great Courses Plus)


LEGOManiac - 11th


AP English Comp (at school)

Finish precalculus, Calculus AB (Chalkdust)

AP Physics 1 or AP Environmental (at school)

Western Civilization (Spielvogel, study guide, The Great Courses)

Italian 3 (at school)

Elective (TBD at school)

Robotics 2 (The Great Courses, LEGO Mindstorm, Raspberry Pi)

AP Art History (not sure yet)


All my kids will be swimming competitively, Boy Scouts, Venture Crew, and AHG).

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Currently my plan is... do more school, learn some stuff. Y'all are all crazy with these specifics at this point! We're barely halfway through this year. :laugh:


(No offense meant for anyone who gets joy from planning!)

Pretty much everything is outsourced here next year; I only plan this far in advance because there's something like 6 different providers on their very own class announcement schedule, and some that meet several times per week. So, logistics. ;)
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4th grade:


Foreign Language: German Learnables Basic Structures 2 (finish)/Grammar Enhancement 2

Arts: ARTistic Pursuits

Typing/Penmanship: www.typing.com/Pictures in Cursive Book D (cursive would be the first to go)

Grammar: MCT Level 2

Writing: Writing Strands 3

Reading/Literature: Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus: A Guide to Creative Questioning 3-4 (continue); Alice, Peter, and Mole

Spelling:  All About Spelling Level 4 (finish)/Level 5

Math: Beast Academy 4A-4D, possibly with Math in Focus Grade 4 Workbook A and B Set

Science: Supercharged Science - Science Mastery, or possible just use the Forces and Motion DVDs from her Ultimate Science series; possibly some other Physics program instead?  Still fleshing this one out.

History: History Odyssey: Early Modern Level 1

Geography: Maps associated with HO

Programming: Code.org, Python - Computer Coding

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  • 1 month later...

6th grade:


Math: Still deciding between Thinkwell or Teaching Textbooks 


BJU (Distance Learning DVD's):






History: Notgrass Uncle Sam and You


Art: Draw and Write Through History


For independent reading my daughter is working her way through the Sisters in Time series. 


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I feel like the more I plan the less I know :lol:


Here is where I am right now...


6th is pretty settled:


Morning basket: Bible memory, art cards, Bible drills, catechism, virtue cards, poetry memorization

MM 6


WTMA Expository Writing 1

Rod & Staff spelling 7 (debating a shift to Megawords here)

Reasoning and Reading

VP self paced MARR with lit and most likely Famous Men of Middle Ages

Science -- undecided-- most likely biology but not sure with what yet

Middlebury Interactive Spanish

Piano and gymnastics




Morning basket: Bible memory, art cards, Bible drills, catechism, virtue cards, poetry memorization

MM 4/5

Cursive Copywork

IEW Fix It maybe?

Treasured Conversations and some BraveWriter

Megawords (probably...if we don't continue with PZ)

Reasoning and Reading

VP self paced MARR with lit

Science -- undecided-- most likely biology but not sure with what yet

Piano and tennis




Morning basket: Bible memory, art cards, Bible drills, catechism, virtue cards, poetry memorization

MM 1/2

AAR 2/3

AAS 1/2


BW Quiver of Arrows/Jot it Down

Geography-- not sure how...legends and leagues??? Galloping the Globe??? Little Passports???

Science -- undecided-- most likely biology but not sure with what

Piano and gymnastics

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HOD little hands to heaven



HOD little hearts, mus primer, hooked on phonics k



HOD Bigger, cle math 2, song school latin



HOD creation to christ, cle math 4, song school latin

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I don't have many *curriculum* plans, so far I know I'm getting my twins Jot it Down and Miquon.  I know older DS will do MCT Lit level.  Everything else is still be refined.


Well, in the 6 weeks since I posted this, I have already nixed MCT.  :lol:


Our next year plans are starting to come together into something with not a lot planned.

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I've got most of next year nailed out, I think.  Between all the kids we'll be using:


Math: Beast Academy and Right Start

Reading/vocab/values: McGuffey's Eclectic Readers plus library books for fun and interest

Writing: WWE and... not sure what I'm doing with dysgraphic DS#1.  He'll do the narrations from WWE, but for actual writing I've got some serious research to do.  They are interested in cursive, so we will definitely work on reading cursive, but I'm not sure I'm ready to really dive into writing it with everything else going on.

Spelling: trying out Spelling Power, will adjust/move on as necessary

Grammar: FLL

History: SOTW

Science: Mystery Science, and if we manage to run out of MS lessons, we'll move into the RS4K middle school Building Blocks series

Foreign language: the kids have voted for Spanish.  I checked out Power Glide Junior Spanish, Learn A Language Spanish, and Teach Them Spanish from our umbrella school's curric library.  No idea how that's going to play out.
Extras: gymnastics, hopfully piano, lego robotics, and DS#4 may be starting developmental/special ed preschool

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I have made tentative plans and changed them about 20 times so far, but here are my current thoughts. Please note they are written in jello.


8th grader

CLE Algebra

Finish IEW SWI B and begin SICC-B

RS Spelling (maybe)

RS Bible

Uncle Sam and You

Apologia Physical Science

Grammar = ???????????


6th grader

CLE math

Finish IEW SWI b and beginn SICC-b

RS Spelling

RS Bible

Uncle Sam and You

Abeka Science (probably)

Grammar = ??????????


3rd grader

CLE math


RS Eng and Spelling

Abeka Science and Nature Reader



1st grader

CLE math


WWE 1 ????

Lots of library books


Twin 4 year olds

Maybe start them on RS ABC series if they're interested. They may not be as they currently have zero interest in coloring or learning to write anything. 


CLE math

Abeka Science

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Left to right - 8th/9th, 7th, 4th/5th, 1st/2nd (Maybe the first order of business should be deciding grade level? :) )


Math: Jacobs Geometry/with Algebra review, AoPS Prealgebra?, Saxon 7/6, Saxon 2 and part of 3


Science: Apologia Biology, Apologia General Science, RS4K Physics and Geology, same as Ds9


History: TOG Yr 2 R, D, UG, LG


Latin: Wheelocks with Lukeion, Latin for Children C, Latin for Children A, Song School Latin


Logic: Puzzles, Art of Argument, Building Thinking Skills, Puzzles


Geography: Mapping the World with Art, MtWwA, Geography Songs, GS


Writing: Lively Art of Writing, Writing and Rhetoric 4 & 5, W & R 4 & 5, WWE 1


English: CC Grammar charts, Shurley 7, Rod and Staff 5, Shurley 1 and beginning of 2


Spanish: Breaking the Barrier?, So You Really Want to Learn Spanish, SYRWTLS


Literature (in addition to TOG): LLLotR, LLLotR, VP 5th grade list, VP 2nd grade list


Spelling: -, AAS 5 & 6, AAS 3 & 4, AAS 2 & 3


Ds11 will also be continuing with Chinese with Mike and wants to get serious about Greek.


All of them do TKD and piano. The others will be doing various other activities.

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Math -- Beast Academy 4 with a little CWP 4, Moems, Borac, and Hands on Equations thrown in.

Logic -- Mindbenders Book 4, Balance Benders Book 1, Visual Discrimination, Logic Countdown, Advancing Through Analogies

Science -- Conceptual Physics through Athena's, How Things Work videos, perhaps Exploration Education 

Literature -- Athena's Intermediate Lit I and II, Mosdos Ruby, and working through the Mensa reading list

Writing -- A combo of Treasured Conversations and WWE3, perhaps begin CAP Writing & Rhetoric 

Grammar, Vocab, Poetry -- MCT Town level

Spelling -- Switching from Rod & Staff 3 to Megawords 1

Cursive -- New American Cursive copywork with the Startwrite Software

History -- Taking a break before starting SOTW4 to do a year of a Canadian (Modern History through Canadian Eyes), California (Beautiful Feet and Harcourt Reflections: California, A Changing State), and U.S. history (continue History of US) combo. 

Latin -- Getting Started With Latin and Minimus Secundus

French -- Getting Started With French

Hebrew -- Shalom Ivrit Books 2 and 3, Lashon Hatorah (grammar), Bright Beginnings (Torah), Aleph Bet Quest Script Writing Book

Computer Science -- Youth Digital Mod Design 1

Extracurrics -- Guitar, soccer, tennis, Parkour, and theatre


Weekly charter school classes -- still TBD, but likely art, music, Spanish, and engineering/Lego



I promise I'm not stalking you!!  I just looked on Amazon at the Hebrew books you are using and I really like them.  I've been using "Z'man Likro: Time to Read Hebrew Volume One"  to teach my son Hebrew since we are religious school drop outs (well at least for now, it's 45 each way and he would have started going 2 times a week this year and it was just too hard on our schedule), so I'm teaching him at home and doing Hebrew in our foreign language spot instead of Spanish this year.


I wasn't sure where to go after the basics of learning to read and write the alphabet.  There is some vocab in our book which is nice, but it's just some basics here and there. I think I will definitely look at your titles for next year.


Thank you for sharing!

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I have posted my plans individually , but somehow posting them here seems so permanent , lol. Not sure why. Well, here are my thoughts all in one place for my kids. I am trying to add in fun things for each of my kids, and make this year a little more fun.




Calvert k full pkg ( I found cheap on eBay ;)


Ivy kids

History unboxed

Kiwi crate



5th grade


Oak Meadow math 5


Abeka language A ( unless ALL comes out before aug)

SOTW 2 with activity guide

Oak Meadow Science

BJU reading 5

steck Vaughn spelling 5


Tinker crate

Time4learning - for extras and fun

History unboxed

Groovy lab in a box


Piano lessons


7th grade


Oak Meadow math 7 /MUS zeta


Easy grammar plus

BJU literature

Oak Meadow science



Time4learning- for fun and extras

Horseback riding lessons


Violin and clarinet lessons


9th grade


At home online or outsourced:


Algebra 1


World History

Biology with lab

Spanish 1


Art lessons

Doodle crate

Piano lessons

Clarinet lessons






Lots of field trips

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4th grader:


- Brave Writer Quiver of Arrows & Arrow guides and Partnership Writing

- reading the books that go with the QofAArrow guides as read alouds

- SotW 3 as a read aloud

- reading many, many living history and science books

- skipping around through Math Mammoth 4 while playing with manipulatives and games and reading living math books

- field trips, experiments, fun activities & games

- all supplemented with once a month fun history class at our homeschool charter 




1st grader:  


- Brave Writer Quiver of Arrows & Arrow (adapted to his level) guides 

- reading the books that go with the Quiver of Arrows & Arrow guides as read alouds

SotW 3 as a read aloud

- reading many, many living history and science books

- skipping around through Math Mammoth 1 & 2 while playing with manipulatives and games and reading living math books

- field trips, experiments, fun activities & games

- all supplemented with once a month fun science class at our homeschool charter 



ETA:  They'll make their final decisions regarding extracurriculars in June/July.

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Here's mine. My upcoming 10th grader might also be homeschooling next year, fingers crossed!


School year plans:

* need to purchase


Elliott: grade 2


LA: spelling- spelling u see

LA: writing- Daily 6 trait writing

LA: handwriting- Getty Dubay italic handwriting

LA: grammar- word fun

LA: reading-spectrum reading grade 3

Math: math mammoth grade 2 *

History: story of the world + guide

Geography: blue planet puzzle, 6 geo puzzles

Science: Exploring Nature With Children

Art: aquarellum, the usborne step-by-step drawing book, construction doodles

Critical thinking: q-bitz solo, engino

Read-Alouds- Build your library grade 1, Ancient History


Nikolas: grade 11


LA: grammar- easy grammar ultimate series grade 11

LA: writing- The Power In Your Hands- non-fiction in high school

Foreign Language- Visual Latin

Critical Thinking- James Madison Critical Thinking Course

Math: Teaching Textbooks Pre-algebra/algebra, tutoring

History: The History of the Ancient World + study guide *

Science: Integrated Physics and Chemistry *

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I think this is our plan...




Konos Vol. 1

Teaching Textbooks


Latina Christiana





Konos Vol. 1

Teaching Textbooks


Latina Christiana






Analytical Grammar


Seton World Literature and Prose and Poetry of England

History of the Ancient World (finish) and then move on to Catholic Textbook Project ( Light to the Nations or Land of Hope and Promise )


Latina Christiana


Korean ( on the Roku for now )

Didache Understanding the Scriptures

Guesthollow Chemistry ( already started and Love it! )


Classically Catholic Memory ( traded with my 15yo. Now I'm washing dishes and she will be going over memory work. Yay! I hated doing it )

TKD/ Swords class


Book Club

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First year homeschooling DD10 fifth grade.


Math: Jacobs algebra with veritas online supplement with Aops pre Algebra/Algebra, real world problem solving and online class with AOPS for AMC8


Science Ellen Mchenry chemistry ( at her request), Quark chronicles with notebooking and other living books, hands on science at coop weekly once


LA: Grammar and writing with Veritas online, cover story and Killgallon ( supplement), MCT supplement

Literature with Veritas press online


Spelling phonetic Zoo C

Vocablury classical roots

History K12 human odyssey with lot of supplementation

Spanish ??? Any dvd curriculum suggestions?


Coop once a week for science adventures, engineering etc

Figure skating 10hours a week

Acting lessons once a week.

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First year homeschooling DD10 fifth grade.


Math: Jacobs algebra with veritas online supplement with Aops pre Algebra/Algebra, real world problem solving and online class with AOPS for AMC8


Science Ellen Mchenry chemistry ( at her request), Quark chronicles with notebooking and other living books, hands on science at coop weekly once


LA: Grammar and writing with Veritas online, cover story and Killgallon ( supplement), MCT supplement

Literature with Veritas press online


Spelling phonetic Zoo C

Vocablury classical roots

History K12 human odyssey with lot of supplementation

Spanish ??? Any dvd curriculum suggestions?


Coop once a week for science adventures, engineering etc

Figure skating 10hours a week

Acting lessons once a week.

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DD 9yrs:

AoPS PreAlgebra

Sonlight D

Rod and Staff 5th grade grammer/writing

Pentime cursive

Spelling workout E

VP explorers-1850 self paced

typing instructor


DS 6yrs:


Sonlight A (bits and pieces)

VP the Story of Us

OPGTR(hopefully finish this up early in the year)


Spelling Workout A and B

HWoT 2nd grade



Apologia Zoology 3

Homeschool Art DVDs

Hoffman Academy piano lessons

swimming lessons

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Since we school year round and just start the next thing, these are my plans for "the next thing." Some of these we just barely started the previous level (like FLL and WWE). Only a few subjects will be starting up for the first time, most noticeably Latin. They will all have birthdays by then too. :)



Math: CLE 3, Ronit Bird

Reading: Finish the Mensa list and more free-reading

Grammar: FLL3

Writing: WWE3

Spelling: All About Spelling 3

Geography: Complete Books of Maps and Geography

Latin: I Speak Latin, Getting Started with Latin



Math: Miquon Green and Yellow, MEP 2

Reading: finish OPGTR, start Mensa reading list and free reading

Writing: WWE2

Grammar: FLL1

Spelling: All About Spelling 2

Geography: EM Beginning Geography

Latin: wants to tag along with I Speak Latin. We'll see.



Math: Miquon Red, MEP 1

Reading: OPGTR

Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears PreK



Piano: Hoffman Academy (just older two dds)

Science: Unschooled (butterfly kit, Snap Circuits, nature study, science tv shows, etc.)

History: SOTW 1/2



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Since I'm back as their teacher for the first time in almost three years and ds is hitting middle school age, I've been thinking a lot about what I want school to look like.   So far the plans are:


Ds - 6th grade:

Jousting Armadillos (if this ends up being too easy, may look at AoPS Pre-Algebra)

Mosdos Pearl

Brave Writer Partnership Writing (and some Jot It Down projects since we'll likely do them all together)

Words on the Vine

Spelling Workout


DD - 4th grade


EM Skill Sharpeners Math 4th grade

EM Skill Sharpeners Spell & Write 4th grade

Brave Writer Jot It Down (and some Partnership Writing since we'll likely do them all together)

Mosdos Ruby



Brave Writer as noted above.   :)

Ancients using History Odyssey (Probably Level 2 which I'll adapt for dd, but using SOTW)

Science I'm putting together my own. Probably habitats, microscope, botany.  Also general nature study and we do a STEM 4-H club.

Harmony Fine Arts

Music - choir, learning to read music then guitar for dd and keyboard for ds

PE - Tai Kwan Do, swimming lessons

Spanish using Duolingo


(keep editing because I keep realizing I forgot something)




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Current plans, subject to change as always...




Finish Tabletclass Algebra, start Geometry

Writing across the curriculum, w/Writing With a Thesis as a guide, and some parts of Brave Writer Lifestyle

Fencing and parkour


The Big History Project w/additional science, mainly biology

Auto shop (or other class/classes, but auto shop is his dream class) at junior college




Continue w/Math Mammoth and Math Essentials combo (pre-algebra)

Continue w/Spelling Workout

Brave Writer Lifestyle

Roller derby


Mapping the World with Art, plus folk/fairy tales from studied regions

May sit in on Big History w/brother, will be doing biology

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