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I live overseas and we don't have the library system that exists in the US. We're doing a writer's workshop using mentor texts and I've been able to find a nice number of them at Open Library, but really not enough. Are there any other e-libraries (free or with reasonably priced membership, if there is such a thing) with an extensive or even just respectable collection of picture books, classic and contemporary, for the primary grades?


ETA: I know that I can use any book as a mentor text but we've only recently started and I don't yet feel confident enough in my improv skills to wing it, so I am using an array of resources that suggest specific books for highlighting traits and skills.

Edited by HappytoHS

Wegivebooks.org has a lot of great books for kids, both fiction and nonfiction. It is a charity set of as a collaboration between Penguin and Pearrson. You create an account (free!) and every time you read a book there they also donate a copy of it to charity.

Great books, including some of the most popular kids books. The only downside is that they must be read online-you can't download them.

Still, a really great resource!

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We live in an area that doesn't really have access to libraries with English language books, but we have got an Amazon.uk kindle unlimited membership and there are children's books included; https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=lp_4764713031_nr_n_3?fst=as%3Aoff&rh=n%3A341677031%2Cn%3A!341679031%2Cn%3A!358546031%2Cn%3A4764713031%2Cn%3A4764783031&bbn=4764713031&ie=UTF8&qid=1453104294&rnid=4764713031


Perhaps that is an option for you?

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