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LDS Scripture Study with the Classical Model

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(Personal Background: I just binge read The Well-Trained Mind and loved it and now feel confident and hopeful and excited about how to proceed with homeschooling my three daughters, none of whom are yet school aged)


Forgive me if anyone has talked about this before, I tried to search, but couldn't find what I was looking for.


One of the things that I really loved about the classical educational model was taking History and Science into four segments, and doing a segment a year, repeated three times though each stage of the trivium. 


Has anyone done this with scriptures study? I love the idea of following the LDS Seminary schedule and doing a block of scripture that we really focus on every year (delving deeper as the child matures through each cycle) so that by the time they graduate they will have a really solid understanding and knowledge of the scriptures and Church history.


I'm sure this could be done with just Biblical studies, etc. (eg. The Law, the Prophets, New Testament, and Church history/reformation).


Any success with such a model?

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I thought about it, tried to plan it, but it took too much brain power and re-inventing the wheel. Instead we just do regular family scripture reading at a slow pace, pick FHE topics from the friend magazine, etc. I have started my upper elementary kids in the old testament seminary book (the older version). They read and answer just one of the questions. That's it. Good luck!

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I thought about it, tried to plan it, but it took too much brain power and re-inventing the wheel. Instead we just do regular family scripture reading at a slow pace, pick FHE topics from the friend magazine, etc. I have started my upper elementary kids in the old testament seminary book (the older version). They read and answer just one of the questions. That's it. Good luck!

Yes, this was me. Latter-Day Learning has something kind of like that. I have never used it, so I can't give you more info.

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I feel like I've been presented with this wisdom: Keep it simple, use resources already available, or you'll never stick with it.




Now I feel excited about digging through issues of The Friend and dividing up Scripture-related material into categories for "level one" curriculum.


((Hey! I can see you experienced mothers, sitting back, eating bon bons, laughing at my naivete! Maybe I should join you...I do like bon bons.))

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I feel like I've been presented with this wisdom: Keep it simple, use resources already available, or you'll never stick with it.




Now I feel excited about digging through issues of The Friend and dividing up Scripture-related material into categories for "level one" curriculum.


((Hey! I can see you experienced mothers, sitting back, eating bon bons, laughing at my naivete! Maybe I should join you...I do like bon bons.))

Hey maybe you'll be the one to make the awesome lds curriculum we all wish someone would make. I did try latter day learning and didn't like it. I just need a great outline using only church materials and leaves out opinions and assumptions. It's fun planning, so plan away!

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We do this.  This is our old testament year.  My oldest is on his third cycle through.  My kids have such a wide age range that we just pick appropriate materials for their age level. My 8th grader is using the seminary O.T. manual even though he is not seminary age.  My first grade is using the O.T. reader.  My middle kid is working on stretching up to the vocabulary in the scriptures.


I did the whole dig through the Friend, etc. way back---10 years ago? I learned one of those mechanical physics laws. Complicated systems are more apt to break down.  If you have only one child, maybe two...it's doable.  Add in more kids, pregnancies, heavy callings, seasons of illness, kids who turn up with learning disabilities..... I've found it's easier to pick a cycle theme and match materials.



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Also, the 100+ hours I spent putting together my materials would've been better spent praying and journaling about how Heavenly Father would have me teach his kids, finding a workable plan for renewing my soul (homeschooling is a marathon!), and putting together a stack of resources to use (Sunday busy bags, reading Preach my Gospel (which didn't exist back then) & some of the teacher prep materials, watching the Primary inservice videos online at lds.org and pinning stuff on pinterest.  Stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you!


Developing yourself as a teacher is more important than the materials before you!

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We are on our 4th year of the cycle and we did OT, NT, BoM, D&C. I just read 1 chapter a day from the reader maybe 3 times a week. We usually get through it twice in a year. For the Book of Mormon last year, my DD was old enough and ready to read the full book independently so I had her on a schedule to finish it by the end of the year. I read the BoM reader with DS. I haven't found it to be too much work to plan at this point.  I'm not doing intensive study, though, and my kids are still young. I also choose memory work scriptures from the book we are studying that year and I get most of them from scripture mastery. I usually choose about 5-8 scriptures per year. We do family scripture study separately.  

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