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And now, the taking it all down thread.

Night Elf

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I'm thinking of taking my tree down today. I'm the one who had a difficult time getting my family to even want the tree, but they did all help put it up. My birthday is Jan.10th and I've never liked Christmas decorations up into January because of it. I don't like my birthday being associated with the holidays. I understand those of you who keep up the decorations for religious reasons, but am I the only one who is ready to take it all down and get back to normal?




I'm a Jan 3 birthday, so I get it. While I don't mind the decorations still being up as much, I disliked never having birthday wrapping paper. It was usually Christmas wrapping or winter themed wrapping. Some years the decorations are down before the 1st and sometimes not. This year, dh and I have a bad cold, so I'm thinking they will be up a bit longer. 

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Noon. Christmas Day. Done!!!


My family makes me wait until noon, otherwise I might (and have) started earlier. While I love the season, and Advent, and decorating, after a couple of weeks I hate the clutter of it all. So, by noon, I'm itching to start.


I do leave the lawn inflatables out until New Year's, and when they're dry.

It strikes me as quite funny to take down a Christmas tree on Christmas day itself. To each her own!

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I'm half done.  The decorations are off the tree and clustered on the table. Tree is outside, and will go out with recycling next week. I am do a great purge this year to get rid of old stuff, so I need to sort thru the boxes to decide what goes.  It will take a few hours and I am dreading it.  

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The religious tradition in which I grew up recognized Epiphany as the end of the Christmas season so I am always a little surprised when some people mark 12/26 as the end of the holiday.


My husband and I created a tradition for our family that involves bringing our tree inside until around 12/15.  Usually around 1/1 we'll take it down--although I like keeping the outdoor Moravian star up until Epiphany.  My poinsettia will probably continue to look gorgeous until the end of January so no plans to toss it for a while.

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Most of the time since my kids were born, there was always a Christmas tree up.  We simply never took it down.  :p  This past summer, we got new carpeting and had to take the old tree down.  We threw it out and recently bought a new, smaller tree, which we put up in a different place.  It is nice and some people want to leave it up.  We will probably take it down in early January though.  We will always keep it up until t least January 6, Little Christmas / Ukrainian Christmas / my kid's birthday.

Edited by SKL
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Probably will take it down New Years Day. I like the idea of leaving it up until Epiphany, but on the other hand the house isn't that big and I want room to put away all the new toys, get things organized, etc for the new year and that's hard with the tree still up. It displaces some other furniture and it's a bit of a jumble. I would like to put away some of the smaller items that are on flat surfaces, to make cleaning up easier as well. Those may start to get put away tomorrow even, things like Christmas sleigh that holds napkins, etc. But the tree will be up until New Year's Day at least. 


Oh, and we got it the day before Thanksgiving, so it's been up a while. Still looks great though!

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I'm taking ours down tomorrow. I like to have it down by New Year's and when we start school again. I like the way the house feels, it always feels so clean and light and uncluttered. (For about a week.) This year I work the New Year block for our practice and I'd really like to have it done by the time I go back to work on Wednesday.

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Our decorations are coming down this week. We have a small house and all the clutter is really getting to me. Part of the clutter is caused by the fact that the decorating was never quite finished in the first place. There are still a few bins out that got shoved under the piano and random nic-nacs that never found a good spot. I'm ready to get it all cleaned up and back to normal. I also want to sort through my decorations and get rid of stuff that I don't care for, or never use.


We're starting back to school on the 11th and I plan to use the next two weeks to deep clean, de-clutter, and organize as much of the house as I can. I need the Christmas stuff out of the way so I can work on that. Usually I leave out things that are more wintery than Christmas (snowmen or snow flake themed) but I think I'm just going to pack it all up this year.

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Christmas just started two days ago (!) 😊 so ours will be up for awhile yet. At least until Theophany (Jan 6), more likely at least until the leavetaking of Theophany (Jan 13) and maaaaybe until the 40th day after Christmas when we commemorate Christ being presented at the temple. That's Feb 2. Not sure if we've ever made it that long!

Edited by milovany
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For religious reasons I know I *should* leave everything up until January 6th at least but I'm already itching to get the house back to normal. So no, you're definitely not the only one eager to get everything put away already! If my husband didn't insist I'd probably have the tree on the curb tomorrow morning ;) 


Milovany, do you guys get a live tree? If so how do you get it to last that long? Ours usually starts dropping needles and drying out around the 4-5 week mark and we get it the first day of Advent. 

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I solved this problem by not decorating this year :-D We have movers coming tomorrow and were out of town all week until today. I just couldn't face undecorating after a day of travel with toddlers.


Next year, however, like most years, I will probably be taking the decorations down the 30/31 of Dec. Some of it will depend in when our new city does tree pick up.

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We usually take it down on the 1st of January (it goes up on Dec. 1st).  But this year DD went to visit out of state friends yesterday and I think she would appreciate if the tree was still here when she got home on the 4th (she's really the only one who's into it).  So it will be the 5th or 6th before it comes down  :glare: .  I don't know thouggh, it's really pretty and does cheer me up, kind of missing my kid :crying: .

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We like to leave our tree up through Epiphany but generally it's left up longer. I might have mentioned my favorite of years gone by. We had a big tree and let it get quite dried out. Realizing the branches would not get through the door and it was too dry and too big to wrap in a sheet. We would have had needles all over the house. Ds and I cut off the limbs. Well that trunk was quite a fine trunk. We left it up and put purple lights on it. Voila, 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' Christmas tree!!

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We put our tree up a couple weeks ago and it's coming down this week.  It would probably be down already but we're at MIL's house until tomorrow.  Usually we put it up the weekend after Thanksgiving but we were trying to figure out the best way to set it up with our puppy who likes to eat plastic.   We always take it down by New Year's Day.  Our house is tiny and the tree is always a major disruption I can only take it so long once the holiday is over.

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Yesterday I put everything away besides the tree. I didn't decorate much beyond the tree this year, and we put it all up before Thanksgiving, so the house was feeling cluttered.


I'll probably take down the tree ornaments tomorrow, and then leave the tree up for the rest of the week. I like the lights. :) I always miss the tree when it's put away.

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Our stuff is down and put away, except for some bows that still need to be put back in their box. I have a first of the year birthday and never liked having Christmas decorations up for my birthday, so as an adult I make sure everything is boxed up and put away. We do have some winter decorations (a couple of pillows and other little items) that will go out around this time, but nothing Christmas-y.



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We out up our tree on 19th so it's only been up about a week. It will be up until at least Jan. 3. Ideally, it would last until Ephipany or a bit later but we have a cat who will eat the ornaments and he has to be put in the basement anytime we are not home or sleeping. He's getting a bit depressed over that so for the cat's sake I'll take it down earlier.

I don't put up a ton of decorations - we have a few strands of lights on the front bushes and a white lighted tree, the Christmas tree inside, a 6 building Christmas village, the Nativity set, and that's about it. The stockings are put away. Everyone actually decided they want to do stockings on St. Nicholas Day from now on instead of on Christmas.

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I put all my Christmas decorations away last night. I didn't intend to do it until New Year's Day but I had to go in the attic to get something and ended up bringing down boxes to pack decorations in, then because the boxes were out, I figured I would put away the Christmas tree ornaments while watching a movie (I hate doing that part). Once the Christmas tree ornaments were away, it was nothing to pack up everything else and my husband packed away the tree and outside tree.

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I'm thinking of taking my tree down today. I'm the one who had a difficult time getting my family to even want the tree, but they did all help put it up. My birthday is Jan.10th and I've never liked Christmas decorations up into January because of it. I don't like my birthday being associated with the holidays. I understand those of you who keep up the decorations for religious reasons, but am I the only one who is ready to take it all down and get back to normal?


Well, we leave for my mother's house every year the day after Christmas.  That means we take the tree down on the evening of Christmas day.  My tree was on the curb at 9pm last Friday. It's that or come home to a dead tree. That would have to be taken down the moment we got home anyway, so might as well do it early.


Growing up, my mom always had the tree down by New Year's eve. She wanted to have the house back to normal by New Year's Day.

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A full month (our tree etc goes up the day after Thanksgiving) is all I can take. I take it all down within a day or to of Christmas.

My SIL has to kids with b'days Dec. 26 and 27th - each kid posed for a birthday photo in front of the tree - which had been festooned with Happy Birthday ribbons, to make it a Birthday Tree.

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