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If you could live in San Francisco or NYC...


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Having experienced both, I would say NYC, without question.  (But only certain parts of Brooklyn or UWS at this point in time. That might change in the future. Ftr,  I do not like the cold, but I am able to escape to warmth when needed.) SF is sprawling (although gorgeous!) In many neighborhoods, you absolutely need a car, or Uber etc. NYC feels more intimate to me, depending on your neighborhood.  The big draw re SF is being a CA resident for university, although it's not the done deal it used be, as CA desperately needs full- paying students from out of state. NY residents also have excellent state college options.  Both SF and New York  have many natural attractions as well. (The natural beauty of NY state is incredible!)  I would try to visit both for a time (Airbnb, perhaps, in a neighborhood which speaks to you),  and then make a decision. Also, don't but anything right away either place. Rent and get a feel of the various areas. As for SF,  nobody has mentioned Albany, which borders Berkeley. It's extremely $, just the same as any East Bay community, but Albany is incredibly intimate and walkable. It's 1 square mile, with many Cal families in Village housing. When you look at Zillow, make sure to look beyond asking price, and find what the home actually sold for, as there are incredible bidding wars happening, and that 1100 square foot 600k  fixer -upper you looked at ended up selling for 900k - well over a million.  


I have enjoyed my time in both cities, so it comes down to personal needs/preferences. 

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Having experienced both, I would say NYC, without question.  (But only certain parts of Brooklyn or UWS.)  I do not like the cold, but I am able to escape to warmth when needed.) SF is sprawling. NYC feels more intimate to me, depending on your neighborhood.  The big draw re SF is being a CA resident for university, although it's not the done deal it used to be for residents, as the state needs full paying students from out of state.  Yet. NY state residents also have excellent state college options. 


:iagree:  Again, I lived in the East Bay for years and my dad worked in SF. I've never been to NYC, but have lived on the East Coast. I have friends who lived in NYC and then left. The Bay Area is major sprawl and the University deal isn't the deal it once was for residents. Personally I'd pick NYC.



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