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So you think you can just change your thread title to N/m and we'll ignore it?


Oh no.


You know that's not how it works here at the WTM forum.


Now we have to discuss what your thread was about before you deleted it. You can tell us what it was, but we won't believe you because it's more fun to imagine something really juicy. :D


Or maybe you'll get lucky and we'll decide to let it go.



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Great... we just get home from buying a new (to us) vehicle - a task that took about 4 hours on site - and now you want me to work at guessing what a thread was all about Cat?  My brain only got 4 hours of sleep last night and will be shutting off in about an hour.  How creative are we supposed to get???


My guess is Alleria was wondering if Santa can really get to everyone's house in one night.

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Look, I'm supposed to be watching my blood sugars right now, but I'm 9 months pregnant. If this turns in to another cupcake thread, I'm not sure I can stop myself from giving in to temptation, and ON YOUR HEAD BE IT. ;)

Poor thing! I hope you're holding your baby soon and have no cupcake related incidents.
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So you think you can just change your thread title to N/m and we'll ignore it?


Oh no.


You know that's not how it works here at the WTM forum.


Now we have to discuss what your thread was about before you deleted it. You can tell us what it was, but we won't believe you because it's more fun to imagine something really juicy. :D


Or maybe you'll get lucky and we'll decide to let it go.



I almost replied to this earlier...typed and deleted...twice!


Apparently I use up all my willpower online...Humph.

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You know what is driving me crazy? This thread showed up in my notifications list...meaning I must have subscribed to it when it was initially posted. I'll do that when a post catches my eye but I don't have an immediate response myself. I think I saw the initial post when I checked in before running errands, and by the time I came back it had become N/M.


But I can't for the life of me remember what the initial post was!

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Look, I'm supposed to be watching my blood sugars right now, but I'm 9 months pregnant. If this turns in to another cupcake thread, I'm not sure I can stop myself from giving in to temptation, and ON YOUR HEAD BE IT. ;)


My soon to be 16 year old's birthday is Dec. 16.  Just hold on 5 more days and your little one can share a birthday.


Dawn, who is full of ice cream cake from his party tonight.

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My soon to be 16 year old's birthday is Dec. 16.  Just hold on 5 more days and your little one can share a birthday.


Dawn, who is full of ice cream cake from his party tonight.


This amuses me because DH just ordered me a chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake so I can go a little crazy after the baby is born, lol. I should probably still be watching my sugars after he's born, but... darnit, I'm gonna have at least ONE slice to celebrate! Besides, ice cream cake is totally a "recovery from labour" kind of food, right? (Please don't actually answer that.)

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I'm just thrilled that a post of mine got so many comments! Who knew posting nothing was the best way to get responses? 😉


My original post was quite serious, but I have resolved the issue, and am so happy to come back to this light hearted thread.

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This amuses me because DH just ordered me a chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake so I can go a little crazy after the baby is born, lol. I should probably still be watching my sugars after he's born, but... darnit, I'm gonna have at least ONE slice to celebrate! Besides, ice cream cake is totally a "recovery from labour" kind of food, right? (Please don't actually answer that.)

Protein. Protein is great for new moms. That will also be easily digested by your tired body. It's a good call.

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I'm just thrilled that a post of mine got so many comments! Who knew posting nothing was the best way to get responses? 😉


My original post was quite serious, but I have resolved the issue, and am so happy to come back to this light hearted thread.

I don't think you should be gloating about your resolved issues when there are people living with issues that are unresolvable. Are you TRYING to ruin Christmas??? #ALLissuesmatter #immakingyourthreadaboutME #teamcupcake4ever

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Seriously, NO ONE managed to quote it before it was deleted!? You guys are falling down on your jobs. Tsk tsk. I came in hoping to read a partial quote and then to (wrongly) infer what was going on and give (completely off the mark) advice.

Hey now! Some of us have *lives* and don't live on the chat board.


I mean, okay, not me. But SOME people do!

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I'm glad someone has resolved issues.  I hope to get there one day, hopefully soon.  But no, I have a sick kid who puked in my bed and now I have to wash sheets at midnight because we only have one set, and of course this happens when DH is out of town for work. . . so I have to complain to someone :-)

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My soon to be 16 year old's birthday is Dec. 16.  Just hold on 5 more days and your little one can share a birthday.


Dawn, who is full of ice cream cake from his party tonight.


My youngest (turned 20) has his birthday today.  12/12 is a great day if you ask me.  It's so easy to remember.  I wish I'd thought of it when my other two were born...



I'm just thrilled that a post of mine got so many comments! Who knew posting nothing was the best way to get responses? 😉


My original post was quite serious, but I have resolved the issue, and am so happy to come back to this light hearted thread.


It's definitely a serious issue figuring out how Santa gets to each house in one night.  (Or at least it was for my kids.)  I'm glad you were able to figure it out!


:grouphug: for all the time and anguish it took.  ;)  (And sincere best wishes for whatever the issue might be just in case I'm incorrect.)

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My youngest (turned 20) has his birthday today.  12/12 is a great day if you ask me.  It's so easy to remember.  I wish I'd thought of it when my other two were born...






My oldest son's birthday is 2/2, so I get it.  Of course, that is also groundhog day, but whatever.......


My youngest's birthday is 3/4, although one of his birth certificates/documents says 3/3.  I would have gone with 3/3 (he is adopted and exact date isn't known), except that his passport was printed with 3/4, and by then it was too late to change it.


But 12/16 was my grandmother's birthday and she died long before this son was born.  When I could decide the day of his birth (c-section) I picked the day of my grandmother's birthday, by choice.

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that is also groundhog day, but whatever.......



But 12/16 was my grandmother's birthday and she died long before this son was born.  When I could decide the day of his birth (c-section) I picked the day of my grandmother's birthday, by choice.


Cute movie!


And wonderful tribute...


My 12/12 boy was induced as he was 3 days overdue by the calendar and about 10 days over the doctor's prediction. However, I have an aunt whose birthday is 12/13.  We've both always joked that we had to have him induced to be sure they didn't share a birthday and get corrupted by her (very friendly joking thing in our family).  It's still an ongoing (fun) thing.


My other two chose their own birthdays... 4/22 (Earth Day)... 5/12 (sometimes doubles as Mother's Day - which we enjoy)

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I like my oldest's birth date because all three numbers (month, day, two-digit year) are perfect squares.  However, if she'd decided to come 9 days early instead of 12 days LATE, she could have had three CONSECUTIVE squares.  Silly girl.  At almost 7, she is still pretty much never in a hurry.


DD#2's birthday is 12/8.  My induction took 47 hours with her, so at one point we thought she might be born on 12/7.  Her middle name is Pearl, which had been decided months earlier, and we had this debate in the hospital about whether we should still use Pearl if she were born on Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.  We decided we would go ahead with it, and then she ended up waiting until 8:30 PM on the 8th to be born, so it was moot.


DS's birthday is 4/4, and he juuust sneaked in there less than an hour before midnight.  I had resigned myself to the fact that he would not end up having the cool 4/4 birthday, but then he did, lol. :)

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I like my oldest's birth date because all three numbers (month, day, two-digit year) are perfect squares. However, if she'd decided to come 9 days early instead of 12 days LATE, she could have had three CONSECUTIVE squares. Silly girl. At almost 7, she is still pretty much never in a hurry.



This is like the algebra word problems my son and I have been working on. I can never figure out those problems....but I'll bet one of the AoPS people on this board could figure out your daughter's birthday in a snap.

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Tigger has a gymnastics meet in another part of the state. He was joking we should stay at a hotel with the hockey parents again. Two years ago for this meet, the hotel we booked had a middle school hockey team staying there. We were in the indoor pool and by the time I was done and went into the fitness room, the place was a zoo. The 12-14 year old boys were running around the pool and then running into the fitness room, dripping water all over the equipment. A group of about a dozen parents was sitting in the lobby, right near the front desk, in a circle with about five large bottles of liquor on the table in the middle. The parents were sitting there getting hammered.


The next day, the parents of one of Tigger's teammates told us that the kids were running up and down the hall outside their room at 12-1am. They were also kept awake by the loud laughing of the drunken parents.

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N/M hmmmm


Nirvana vs Metallica? (Metallica all the way baby!)

Nutterbutters vs M&M cookies? (Nutterbutters....mmmmm)

Norway vs Mexico? (I'm Norwegian but Mexico has sun....that would be a tough one)


I fully support your position on Nutterbutters, but Nirvana rules!  :boxing_smiley:

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All apologies...(not really).  :D


I saw Courtney Love perform shortly after Kurt Cobain's death. I'm pretty sure she had his ashes in a stuffed animal backpack she was wearing. Very sad. Veruca Salt opened and they were much better than Hole (and Metallica).  :leaving:

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That's a tough one. Metallica seriously kicked ass. But then, Nirvana never jumped the shark.



You know, I heard this phrase for years and years (Jump the shark) and I honestly had no idea what it meant and was too embarrassed to ask.  It was probably 8 or 9 years ago when I finally found out what it meant.

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You know, I heard this phrase for years and years (Jump the shark) and I honestly had no idea what it meant and was too embarrassed to ask.  It was probably 8 or 9 years ago when I finally found out what it meant.


Whatever you do, don't search for images on the web. The Fonz in short denim shorts is not a good look.





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