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I need Hogwarts 1st year books! Help!


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I can't believe there's no "Standard Book of Spelling" available! Or there is?


I'm trying to find a fun (and somewhat educational? But mostly fun) list of books for the "1st year at Hogwarts."


I need good candidates for:


1. The Standard Book of Spells (something fun to do with spelling?? Or is this too boring?)

2. A history of Magic (I'm thinking something like history of the natural world? But give me more ideas!)

3. Magical Theory (??? No clue)

4. A beginner's Guide to Transfiguration (no idea?)

5. One Thousdand Magical Herbs (What is a good book on herbs for an 11 year old?)

6. Magical Draft and Potions (Something else on herbal remedies? Or aromatherapy?)

7. Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them (animals?)

8. The dark forces, a guide to self protection. (no idea??)


Please suggest general ideas for subjects, and any specific books as well. I would like this not to be tedious, but rather fun. For fun reading, not for a "school course."


This boy has only just read the first book of the series and loved it. He likes to make potions by mixing food colouring and such. He's turning 11 in 3 weeks, and I only came up with this idea now, so I need to hurry up! Thank you for any help.



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Fantastic beasts is an actual book, Amazon carries it.


There is a book called Wicked Plants that might work.


Maybe a beginning level of Latin study for the spells?


There is a yahoo group set up that is full of ideas for Hogwarts Correspondence Classes

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Fantastic beasts is an actual book, Amazon carries it.


There is a book called Wicked Plants that might work.


Maybe a beginning level of Latin study for the spells?


There is a yahoo group set up that is full of ideas for Hogwarts Correspondence Classes


Thanks! I just ordered the Fantastic Beasts. Will look into something Latin. Maybe something humours, rather than an actual textbook.

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The dark forces makes me think of martial arts and DV prevention.


Inspired by the youtube vids we were just watching look up carving a rose, transfiguration could totally be a woodcarving kit.


He does martial arts. And he just got a woodcarving kit as his "pre-Christmas gift" as it was on sale and he really wanted it. Otherwise it would have been perfect!


What is DV?

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DD discovered Harry Potter this year. I got her this book for "Herbology." http://www.amazon.com/Kids-Herb-Book-Children-Ages/dp/1885003366


I love this book! We actually do have it! But it was given to DD as a gift at some point, so it won't work as a gift for him, unfortunately. I have this vision of a neat pile of books, wrapped in brown paper, just for him!


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He does martial arts. And he just got a woodcarving kit as his "pre-Christmas gift" as it was on sale and he really wanted it. Otherwise it would have been perfect!


One of the vids we watched featured carving done using a mini drill instead of chisels. Maybe see about one of them?





 What is DV?


Real life dark arts. Not fun. There are books on healthy relationships around. Not fun enough for a Christmas present though.


How about candle making supplies. It's dark if there's no light. :lol:

Edited by Rosie_0801
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Very cool idea!


Make sure you send him a Hogwarts acceptance letter and a train ticket, too. You can find some online or make up your own. I did this for dad's 11th birthday.


Eta: I also gave her some chocolate coins and a wand.

Edited by Tiberia
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Very cool idea!


Make sure you send him a Hogwarts acceptance letter and a train ticket, too. You can find some online or make up your own. I did this for dad's 11th birthday.


Eta: I also gave her some chocolate coins and a wand.

Damn. My son just turned 11 and I didn't think of this.


To the OP, there is also The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook. i don't know whether or not that could be useful.

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Damn. My son just turned 11 and I didn't think of this.


To the OP, there is also The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook. i don't know whether or not that could be useful.

It's not too late! Tell him Hedwig got hung up in bad weather or that evil relatives kept destroying the acceptance letters.

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For the defence against dark forces one, I would substitute The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook. (Has directions for delivering a baby, though, so if you are the sort of family who hasn,t watched the kitty have kittens, you might want to wait. You can view the table of contents from amazon to doublecheck suitability. My boys loved it at that age but your family might be different.)


I love the origami idea for transfigurations.


Potions could be chemistry or cooking.


Books about herbal remedies need to come with supervision and warnings because there are common garden plants that are potent medicines. Foxglove, for instance, is a heart medicine. You could look for ones that focus on making your own cosmetics. That might be safer. Or just explain that herbs are real medicine and good to learn about but not good to experiment with.


The Stokes guides are great for animals. Or books like the Gnome book.



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In reply to your herbs/plants request, I might be able to help you.  DD wanted to learn about medicinal herbs/plants this year.  It's been a wonderful learning experience. So much so, that DD, DH, and I will be taking actual classes (6 of them) offered by a practicing Herbalist of 47 years this coming spring.  DD has stated she wants to apprentice with this herbalist.


Here are the main books we've been using:

In doing this study, we are experimenting with our own remedies which we've made.  We've also dried some plants/herbs to use later. DD is also composing her own medicinal plant book and preparing a PowerPoint presentation to be presented to us at the end of the year.


Edited to add:  Oops!  Didn't register that it wasn't for a school course...maybe some of my suggestions, like Wicked Plants, would work anyway?  Sorry.  I'll look around for some other suggestions...

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I am not reading through all the responses because I am supposed to be concentrating on chemistry with my ds (bad mommy!) and instead I am scrolling through the board....


I used to belong to a Yahoo group that had an amazing number of member created files to run a summer correspondence course for your kids. It was so. much. fun!


I think it still exists.... maybe HogwartsSummerCorrespondenceSchool ?


It would definitely be worth joining and perusing the files.


Have fun!


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Here's what I found:

Edited to add:  Found one for history too: HP & History


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Fyi if you are interested in an acceptance letter or wand they have many different ones on Etsy for reasonable prices. I had my dd's acceptance letter sitting and waiting for her propped up against her Hedwig stuffy for when she woke up on her 11th birthday a couple of weeks ago. The wands on Etsy range from quite inexpensive to pricey and come in both resin and wood. I second the Hogwarts is here site, it is excellent. The Harry Potter colouring books in the adult colouring book section on Amazon are really quite beautiful. I think they have 4 or 5 different books now. 

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