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What do your dc want to do for work when they grow up?

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DS10 - Scientist. The area of science changes but he's been saying scientist for about five years.


DD10 - Dancer, artist, or nature guide. I think she would be well suited to working outdoors or with young children. We'll see where life takes her.


DD5 - She has no idea. She has never been able to answer that question.

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DS 17- no clue (actually would love nothing more than to be a professional soccer player, but realizes that probably isn't going to happen), interests in cooking and would maybe like to learn more about radiology; will probably join the Navy to figure it out


DS 16- Navy submariner like his Dad


DS 14- Marine sniper


DD 10- a rock star or a football player like Marshawn Lynch or maybe a scientist that studies space stuff

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This is a fun thread! :-) I should ask all of mine today. My oldest and I got into this subject a little yesterday as she was (again) complaining about school and why she "has to learn all this stuff". I explained (again) that she needs an education so that she can live and work in the adult world some day. She informed me that she doesn't plan to ever have a job. She's going to live at home and "let" us support her until she gets married and then her husband will take care of her while she stays home.


Ummmm...no. The husband part may happen if that's what they choose but we have no intention (or ability) of bank rolling adult children. Good thing she's only 11...

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Well, right now, Dd(3) wants to be Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie. Sometimes, she'd be happy being a princess. 

I'm just hoping that her goals change eventually. I'm not sure we could afford to live in Equestria or Arendelle. 

After talking to dd last night, now she wants to grow up to be a big girl so she can stay at the fish store. 


In other words, she wants to grow up to work at Bass Pro Shops. (Dh is an avid flyfisherman and we are frequently in there shopping for kayaks or flies or hooks or whatever.) 


Her redneck is coming out.  :lol:

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Cute thread!


I just asked my 3 1/2 year old what he wants to do when he grows up. His response? "Dump dirt". When further pressed, he said he wants to be a "Dumpster". :confused1: Finally he explained that he wants to "drive a dump truck". Not sure where that came from, other than maybe a construction book we have, but we'll go with it.  ;)

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DD9 Wants to marry her friend Jack, coach gymnastics and have a lot of babies.


DD7 Wants to be a Cheerleader and a Volcano expert.


Ds15 wants to know if Jack is aware of this plan.  :)



DS12 - paleontologist

DD10 - actor or singer

DS2 - dragon :D


Mostly what I expected



O-11: "Engineering job" then specified robotics to help people. 


A-8: Doctor Astronaut Painter


M-6: Horsey job


Fr-3: Fire Dragon Slayer


Semi-Sweet and Spork, I would be concerned if your youngest children were to ever meet...

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Ds is currently working part-time for his dad while we try to get him through high school, and plans on continuing that and possibly taking over the business some day. He is currently doing server admin related stuff and will eventually be doing programming/web design and hopefully someday doing sales. I asked him if he wanted to learn bookkeeping and take over my duties, but he's a smart kid and said no.😭😄

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When my daughter attended public school for kindergarten, she wanted to grow up to be a bus driver for half the day and a kindergarten teacher for the other half of the day.  Can you tell she was attending a half day program?


[My niece at about the same age wanted to grow up to be an angel (gulp!) and divorced (double gulp!).]


My daughter, now a college graduate, is in her second year in South Korea.  The first year, she taught English.  Now she's fully embracing the culture and improving her Korean.  Her plan next year is to teach English again.  Her long term goal is to become a librarian.




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DD 10 - " A musician, an artist, I don't know there are just so many things I want to do!"


DD 9 - "I will be an attorney and own a coffee shop. I will have a huge house that you will clean and homeschool my kids."


Dd notices the look of horror on my face and quickly tries to recover by saying "I will have a maid clean the house?"



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DD 9 - "I will be an attorney and own a coffee shop. I will have a huge house that you will clean and homeschool my kids."


Dd notices the look of horror on my face and quickly tries to recover by saying "I will have a maid clean the house?"




That was cute!  But, housecleaning aside, consider the compliment -- your daughter WANTS you to homeschool her children!  You are clearly doing something right.




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ds7 said he wanted to be a Jockey.


I explained socioeconomic class to him as gently as possible, and since he had never shown any interest in horse racing before, I also pointed out that Jockeys are small, lightweight men and ds is very large for his age.


He thought about that for a bit, but didn't seem too upset.


Then he said he wanted to be a Rabbi.


I calmly explained that I didn't think this was a good career path for him because, in the first place, he's not Jewish, and in the second place, he doesn't even know how to pronounce the word "Rabbi".


He didn't cry or seem sad or angry, he just studied his Dr. Seuss My Book About Me quietly for a few minutes and then told me he wanted to be an Alligator Wrestler.


His cynical, embittered dream killer of a gramma-aged mother couldn't find anything wrong with that.

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Mr. 12 - Don't know, maybe a computer programmer or else make and sell candles.


Ms. 10 - Something with horses. Anything with horses. She loves horses. Did we mention horses yet?

Ms. 7 - Undecided, changes frequently, presently vacillating between concertmaster of our state symphony orchestra or fortune teller.


And Ms. 9 (friend of my Ms. 10) - I don't want to go to university or anything, because I can just work in my Nan's restaurant.

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My kids are older now too, but I think it's so interesting how several of them are doing something generally in the area they have always been interested in, even when young children.  When my son was about 8, he wanted to be a magician.  He is now in film.  My daughter was fascinated with old Walt Disney drawings when she was really young, and when she was around 10 she began sending advertising ideas to big companies like Johnson & Johnson - ha.  (No, they never used them.  :))  Now she is in advertising design.  Another wanted to be a famous musician.  Well, she's not famous but she's a musician.


My other two are not sure yet.  One of them wanted to be a singing astronaut nun, but her college doesn't have that as a major...

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11 yo ds- design toys- he has been bent towards engineering as long as I can remember- the type just changes

8.5yodd- Baker with her own shop and a mom- she's had this dream for at least a few years- we've wrote fan letters to Buddy(Cake Boss) and she is the in house baker here, she is also my budding naturalist and fashion designer

6yo- a princess- when she was younger she wanted to be a nurse or a dr but she now spazzes at the thought of anyone getting hurt and is terrified of blood- she also said pizza delivery guy for a long, long time

3yo- Elsa

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ds7 said he wanted to be a Jockey.


I explained socioeconomic class to him as gently as possible, and since he had never shown any interest in horse racing before, I also pointed out that Jockeys are small, lightweight men and ds is very large for his age.


He thought about that for a bit, but didn't seem too upset.


Then he said he wanted to be a Rabbi.


I calmly explained that I didn't think this was a good career path for him because, in the first place, he's not Jewish, and in the second place, he doesn't even know how to pronounce the word "Rabbi".


He didn't cry or seem sad or angry, he just studied his Dr. Seuss My Book About Me quietly for a few minutes and then told me he wanted to be an Alligator Wrestler.


His cynical, embittered dream killer of a gramma-aged mother couldn't find anything wrong with that.

This baby blues cartoon http://babyblues.com/comics/march-10-2009/ came out when DD10 was in preschool. And pretty well outlined her career goals at the time. And now, come to think of it (the next few after the cartoon linked are also part of the series).

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[My niece at about the same age wanted to grow up to be an angel (gulp!) and divorced (double gulp!).]



My mind is having fun contemplating just how one has "date" conversations with these goals.   :lol:   Then I wondered if there are some guys who might like the idea of a planned divorce - assuming it's written out ahead of time with who gets what, etc.  I'm not positive these are the same young men who want to be married to an angel.   :laugh:


All in all - it's been a fun mental rabbit trail - glad you shared about your niece!

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ds23 has wanted to go into Law Enforcement and/or the military since he was a young teenager. This was not what I wanted for him at all, but as our relationship evolved I found myself genuinely sad when his dreams got smacked down by reality because they were HIS dreams.


dd26's online mini-biography says that she has had a passion for writing from a young age. I almost spit my coffee all over my monitor the first time I saw it! That's the kid with the horrible pencil grip that I had to retrain from the beginning when she was 9! Getting her to write one lousy sentence about the chapter she just read in her science book was like pulling teeth!


dmmetler, I was just like the dad in that cartoon when I was raising them. I outgrew that just as our littles will outgrow wanting to be Komodo dragons.

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Mine both want to be race car drivers. I don't foresee that happening but I guess you never know.

Well at lunch today my 6 year old informed me he had changed his mind. He now wants to be...a criminal. He wants to steal money from people. Parenting done right.


By the end of lunch we had him considering the flaws of his plan. Though my 8 yearold was less than helpful as he spent lunch laying out his plans for bank robbery.

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Apparently I have a couple dreamers ;-)


Dd9yo - a mom

Dd7yo - a Queen

Dd6yo - a mom with kids

Ds4yo - a transformer or a doctor

Ds2yo - too little to answer but loves trains, dogs, and stars . The sky is his limit.

Dd 5mo - way too little to answer, but I wish she could just stay my little baby :-)


It warms my heart that a couple of them said mom, I guess that means I am doing an OK job. :-)


ETA: My Dh and I have joked that my 2yo will probably grow up to design moisturizers. He is constantly testing different foods on his skin by rubbing them ALL over his body ( legs, arms, face, stomach, hair, etc.) he has tried ketchup, ranch, egg yolks, frosting, ice cream, milk, etc. thankfully he has started doing this less.

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DS-almost-9: "There too many things I want to be! How am I going to decide?!"


I could totally see him growing up to be something like Johnny Depp.  Failure doesn't bother him and he has absolutely no concept of anxiety.


When I was younger, I wanted to study at Oxford and be an astrophysicist.  My dad said I wasn't smart enough.  I pretty much lost every ounce of ambition I had for anything.  So I'm keeping my nose out of DS's future ideas unless he specifically asks me for input.  I honestly don't care what he does as long as it doesn't require any ethical/moral compromises.

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Son, age 8, doesn't know.  But he does want to live in a tiny tumbleweed house, have a ponytail, have 5 kids and drive a pickup truck.  So I think he aspires to be  a hippie.


Daughter, age 4, is insistent that she wants to be a mommy.  Her executive skills are so amazing that I foresee her running a household and then running for office. 

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