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What do your dc want to do for work when they grow up?

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DD#1 wants to be an ornithologist who specializes in flamingos.


If you ask DD#2 what she wants to be when she grows up, she says, "a grown-up DD#2!" If you then ask what she wants to do when she grows up, she says, "I want to do everything myself!" Sometimes, if pressed, she'll say she wants to be a doctor, usually an eye doctor like her grandpa.


DS lacks the verbal ability to answer the question just yet, but I suspect he'd like to be a professional Cheerio eater.

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Daughter age 17 says she wants to be an engineer, but spends all her time writing, learning foreign languages, and editing Wikipedia.


Son age 15 wants to be a computer programmer. He spends all his time doing computer stuff and math.


Son age 11 says he wants to build things. He spends his time designing boats, planes, and spaceships online. And writing role playing games for his friends. And swimming.

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Dd said she wants to be a medical assistant like her step grandmother. :)


Ds said he wants to be "a flight nurse in a rescue helicopter." And that is an exact quote! His tour of the medivac made quite an impression on him. We had to pry him away from the flight nurses that were showing him around. A few more minutes and he might have had them talked into giving him a ride. ;)


Both answers were exactly what I expected. They've been consistent with those answers for a long time.

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My 7 year old wants to be an inventor or comic book writer/illustrator.


My 5 and 3 year old also want to be inventors, I suspect it's because they adore their big brother. For a long time my oldest wanted to be a playdough maker, not for PlayDough but from home.

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When I asked my nine year old son what he'd like to be when he grows up he told me in all seriousness . . . "retired" He hangs out a lot with his 78 year old retired grandpa.

That is the best answer I've ever heard. He wins.

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Ds20- He has no idea. He's supposed to be applying to grad schools now, but instead he's  :willy_nilly: about his future.

Ds18- Skate park designer

Ds16- Biomedical engineer

Ds13- Actor/screenwriter/playwright, unless he marries rich, in which case he will be a trophy husband  :huh:

Ds11- Fantasy writer

Ds6- Artist

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DS 14 really doesn't care as long as he doesn't have to spend most of his time reading/writing or sitting behind a desk.  He has some interest in Environmental Science type stuff so we'll see. If he could do anything he'd be Wil Wheaton's co-star on Table-Top (I think that's what it is called).


DD 12 changes her mind often but has consistently stuck with an interest in the human brain.  She wants to study people (she has always been a "people-watcher").  She's not at all interested in counselling but instead would like to do research or eventually be a profiler.

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Cute thread!


Mine are grown now...


Oldest is the (business) head honcho in a distribution warehouse (Lego bricks) and loves his job.  I don't recall if he ever had a job nailed down as a youngster, but he's always loved being in charge (from toddlerhood on), so this job suits him well.  It even uses his college degree.  ;)


Middle has wanted to be a doctor since age 8 (third grade).  Now he is loving shadowing surgeons and gearing up for the MCAT.  He has the college GPA and all sorts of assorted extras to have a super med school app.  He just needs that score.  I can't really see anything stopping him.


Youngest is a sophomore in college.  He's another who never really told us anything as a youngster, but he's always been my outdoor flora and fauna lover so I envisioned him doing something in the great outdoors.  In college he discovered he loves acting and theater... and now he plans on heading into the ministry (somewhere) once completing college.  I don't know if he will use his acting skills or extensive outdoor knowledge or not.


We always told our guys that as long as they aren't pimps, illegal drug dealers, or terrorists we'd be happy.  ;)  We're happy.   :D  And I still wish them all success as they follow their paths.

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DD18 wants to either teach German or work at a library (which she currently does).  Or both.  


DD15a wants to be a forensic scientist or a psychologist.  She's been steadily making plans for this for several years, and has the school and program all picked out.  Psychology is actually her second choice if her plans don't work out for the school she wants to attend.


DD15b has flip-flopped a lot over the past few years, so she really doesn't know.  She keeps coming back around to education though.

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I'll never forget the day my twin boys sat across the lunch table and told me they had decided together that when they grew up they wanted to become prisoners. They were about 5 years old and very rambunctious. The first thought through my tired mommy brain was, I knew it! I'm raising felons! As we talked about it though, it came out that they wanted to "keep the bad guys in prison so they can't hurt anyone." So they thought a warden was called a "prisoner." They're 25 yo now, both happily married with their own little boys. One is a missionary pilot and the other is in his third year of dental school. Not felons after all. :-)

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My DC want to create their own video games.  DD 13 (my artistic one) will design the characters.  DS 10 (my techie one) will do the programming.  DD 8 (my quiet one) will do the voices of the characters.  DD 6 (my talkative one) will do the marketing.   :lol:  They've already made some simple games together.  

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So, overall, I think neither dc nor I know what they want to be when they 'grow up'.  ;)      


As I've reached the empty nesting stage, I'll freely admit I don't know what I want to do when I grow up either.


My plans in high school were to be an AF officer working in either intelligence or the space program.  That got cut short when the AF determined I had asthma (a type that has never bothered me except once on an AF run).  I only had one active duty assignment if you don't count field training... so I didn't end up doing that either.


But I've enjoyed life working at school with other people's high schoolers.  That's what counts.

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Well my dd, 12, wants to be an ASL interpreter/wife/homeschool mom in her adult life.  She has started learning ASL through online classes.  Hope to plug her into the deaf community in the next year or two.  


My 13 y/o boy wants to live in a mansion with a cook and butler and play legos all day long.  Apparently my awesome education is going to provide instant wealth for him to continue being lazy his entire life. 



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DD, almost 15, wants to be an animator.  She also wants to minor in dance at college, but doesn't expect to do it for a career, although she would like to teach dance classes.


DS, almost 13, wants to be a robotics engineer, and a part time youtuber.


DS, 10, wants to be a police officer.

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DD13 wanted to be a vet but then realized she could never perform surgery or euthanize an animal. She is very talented with language and writing, so we have talked about jobs that are a combination of those talents and her love for animals. Perhaps public relations or advocacy for an animal-related org?


DS12 wants to be a filmmaker or graphic designer. He also wants to take his hockey career as far as possible but knows it is tough to make it to a paying position long term.


DS9 is deadset on becoming a commercial pilot even though DH and I have tried to convince him otherwise. It's a tough life, but he's very passionate so I think he could make it work. We're hoping that he'll go into dispatching instead.

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DD7: Heartbreaking answer, "I want to be a mom who adopts children because I can't grow my own children because of my Turners Syndrome."


DD5: A doctor. Mostly because Daddy is and she thinks she could spend all day with him if she was a doctor.


DD3: A super hero, "and I can run really fast and then fly, like this!"

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I don't think we discussed things like that when they were little.  I remember a few of them saying specific things like cartoonist, concert pianist, and professional soccer player ages ago.  Not sure what ever happened to those aspirations.


Currently, I only know that one wants to write.  One wants to live in Russia.  One wants to work for the FBI or something similar.  Not sure about the other 2. 


Middle dd called me last night with an amusing story.  She overheard a guy talking about learning Russian, so she walked up to him and asked if he wanted to meet regularly and practice Russian together.  Well the guy is 40yo and in the military (some form of special ops??), speaks several languages, and "kind of crazy" (to quote dd  lol).  So they met last night and he said he thought she'd be perfect for the CIA, because she's reserved, intelligent, very observant, alert, and doesn't talk incessantly and spill her guts like most of the college crowd does.  And she reminds him of the CIA people he's known.   :blink:  Knowing dd as I do, she and I thought this was hilarious.  She professes that she "can't keep a secret", is very emotional, and has a wretched sense of direction (can follow a map but takes a zillion times of traveling the same path to remember the way). 


Anyway, she asked what she should do if the CIA came calling (this college is close to D.C. and various government agencies recruit heavily from it).  What could I say?  I told her not to close that door but to keep all the possibilities open.  And to ask them questions about everything under the sun while she had the chance because you never know what information might prove useful later on. 


So, overall, I think neither dc nor I know what they want to be when they 'grow up'.  ;)      


I had a parent once when I was teaching who was some sort of something for the CIA. She was so weird. At the back to school night we're all standing around chatting and we're like, oh what do you do, blah blah blah. She's like, I work for the government. Well, everyone here does practically so one of the teachers is like, oh, where, blah blah blah. She suddenly bursts out, "I work for the CIA, okay!" and sort of stalks off. Let's hope she wasn't in the field ever because that was not a particularly harsh interrogation!


A guy I met once was apparently approached by the CIA or NSA or something (I'm not even sure he knew which) just before finishing college because of having majored in Russian and, IIRC, math or something. They apparently scoped him out and wanted to "check in" with him. He said it was really weird. He had other plans though.

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Ds14 wants to be an auto mechanic, and restore vintage cars. Artist on the side.


Dd12 wants to be a wildlife specialist. She had planned, from ages 2-10, to be a vet, but decided she didn't want to explain to families that she had to put their pets to sleep. So wildlife specialist it is! She figures zoos, and other places of that type, as well as parks, Gifh & Game... need specialists.

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