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Anyone cross stitch?


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"The Crafting...Bwah-ha-ha-ha! It stinks its evil claws into me and I cannot escape it."


That's how conflicted I feel. I love crafts. I hate crafts. I gather more than I finish. I'm a serial crafter in that I do something crafty (cross sttich, scrapbooking, knitting, sewing, rubber stamping) for years, then drop it. But I never get rid of anything.


So I KNOW I have a TON of cross stitch stuff somewhere in this house.


I want to make a little something. Like an ornament. A little one. Something I can finish and be done with.


I have the Just Cross Stitch Ornament magazine and I picked an ornament out. I got the fabric, the thread. Forgot needles.


Ugh. I want to do it. But I don't. But I doooooooooooooo!

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Wow, Heather -- you are very talented!!! :hurray:

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I used to, but haven't in a long time. I won second prize in the local show years ago* with a design out of here of a woman weaving: http://www.amazon.com/Elliotts-Native-American-Cross-Stitch/dp/0715320718Such a pretty book!


Which wasn't as good as it sounds because there were only three entries. :D

Second is better than third, so CONGRATULATIONS! :)

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Wow, Heather! So impressive!


The biggest finish I have is a birth sampler for my oldest. The others never got one. :-(

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I used to, but haven't in a long time. I won second prize in the local show years ago* with a design out of here of a woman weaving: http://www.amazon.com/Elliotts-Native-American-Cross-Stitch/dp/0715320718Such a pretty book!


Which wasn't as good as it sounds because there were only three entries. :D

Congrats! I bet it is beautiful.

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I went through a spurt of cross-stitching a few years ago.  I did vignettes of 3/4 seasons and one little one for each month of the year.  And then I do...what...with them?  Much easier to fold up a blanket or a hat and gift it to someone.  I still have a partial project of a gorgeous colorful geisha in a hoop, but I sadly think my eyes might not be up to it anymore!

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I went through a spurt of cross-stitching a few years ago. I did vignettes of 3/4 seasons and one little one for each month of the year. And then I do...what...with them? Much easier to fold up a blanket or a hat and gift it to someone. I still have a partial project of a gorgeous colorful geisha in a hoop, but I sadly think my eyes might not be up to it anymore!

I know what you mean about "and now what do I do with this?"


I think that is why I did rubber stamping...bc if I made a card, I could use it.

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I can't any more because of my eyesight, but some things to think about:


It's something you can do on autopilot after awhile, not like crewel work.


It's very mathematical.


They don't make craft supplies like they used to. I'm 50 and all of my patchwork faded and shredded before 7yods was even born, my afghans are pilly faded messes in a trunk somewhere that he's never seen, and my cross stitch from the same era (I was in my mid 20s with Park Day aged kids) is hanging in a frame on the wall just as pretty as it ever was and all ready for my as-yet-unconceived grandbabies to draw straws for it at my funeral.

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I know what you mean about "and now what do I do with this?"


I think that is why I did rubber stamping...bc if I made a card, I could use it.

I'm getting addicted to the Scrapbook Soup television show and I don't even do any scrapbooking. But that doesn't stop me from wanting one of those Brother Scan 'n' Cut machines.

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Second is better than third, so CONGRATULATIONS! :)


I was much better than the third. :D



The year before I'd looked at the entries in that category and thought I was way better. I guess the person who came first the year I entered had thought so too. :lol:



What are everyone's prettiest cross stitch books?


That one I linked previously is one of my prettiest. 


Decades ago I did the rainbow lorrikeets on the cover here: http://www.amazon.com/Alluras-Australia-Cross-Stitch-Jan-Skinner/dp/0646089846

Some of the patterns in that book are so bad the author, editor and publishers should be embarrassed. Others are bee-yoo-tiful. The rainbow lorikeets are bee-too-tiful. But they can't help but be photogenic.


I also have a dear little Scandanavian book but it's so old and I have no idea where I got it from, so I can't find it on Google.

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I was much better than the third. :D



The year before I'd looked at the entries in that category and thought I was way better. I guess the person who came first the year I entered had thought so too. :lol:



What are everyone's prettiest cross stitch books?


That one I linked previously is one of my prettiest.


Decades ago I did the rainbow lorrikeets on the cover here: http://www.amazon.com/Alluras-Australia-Cross-Stitch-Jan-Skinner/dp/0646089846

Some of the patterns in that book are so bad the author, editor and publishers should be embarrassed. Others are bee-yoo-tiful. The rainbow lorikeets are bee-too-tiful. But they can't help but be photogenic.


I also have a dear little Scandanavian book but it's so old and I have no idea where I got it from, so I can't find it on Google.

I would say one of my prettiest books is the one I got DD's sampler from...but darned if I know the name of it. It's here somewhere...

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Can we form a club?


I haven't really cross-stitched in years. I think the last one I did was for someone's grandbaby and I was so mad at myself discovering after the fact that I cross-stitched the baby's name wrong!!! It was an odd name (to me) I'd never heard of and I normally am very good about finding out spellings, but for some reason I thought I had it right. They didn't tell me but I realized it when I saw the baby's name somewhere later.


Anyway, I agree with the mindset do something simple!


I broke out some stamps just yesterday (to decorate Halloween cards) and realized I didn't have the spray to clean them. I had the new cleaning pad and no spray! I can't get my act together with crafts.


I'm currently hoarding jars for a project. I'm wanting to use one or two baby food jars for a wizard box (potion bottles but unsure if I should bother) and the rest I want us to paint and fill with candy for Christmas. We'll see if I ever get this done.


I have lots of stuff here I want to do and I just don't want to drag it all out and get interrupted.

I had a girlfriend from college days that spilled a cup of tea on a nearly finished cross stitch and swore she'd never do another one. I lost touch with her (she dated my brother and when they broke up, it was hard to keep up our relationship...) so I don't know if she stuck with her boycott.


I know I shouldn't but I used simple green for an emergency stamp cleaner. Then water, then dry.

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Crawling babies have curtailed many a crafter.

I know. That was 3 years ago. And another baby ago. I've been sewing, but I haven't had the patience to cross stitch. :P


I tried using a pacifier wipe but I think I kind of smeared the ink into the crevices lol. Ahh, I would be so upset over the spilled drink, too.



I recently decided that I'm going to pick a Saturday when dh is here and ds and I will do some crafting while he watches the baby. My main motivation is some of the things I want to do are for Christmas gifts. I need to make wand pencils.

What's a wand pencil?

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I tried to find a picture of the ornament I want to do and found it here:




It's April...Homespun Elegance's Joyful Santa. My second choice is Prairie Schooler's Winter's Eve. And, DD said she'd like to learn so I'm going to help her with Lindsey Lane's Designs' Little Christmas House.

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I love cross-stitching.  It is something one can do and make it PERFECT.  My backs are as beautiful as my fronts...and if they are not, I RIP THEM OUT AND DO THEM OVER!!!!


:::sorry.  OCD outburst:::


That said, I don't know what to do with them.  I have found an outlet through making paraments for church, but it is on fine linen and I'm going blind.  :0/


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I used to cross stitch quite a bit, but now my efforts are mostly confined to a Christmas ornament or two each year. I used to stitch one ornament for each of the kids every year, but when I started finding my eyes weren't up to that much close-up work, I started alternating. I still made each one an ornament, but I cross-stitched one and then did something else for the other.


I have the same issue some others here have mentioned, too: I just don't have outlets for finished cross-stitched pieces. I used to crochet quite a bit, also, but living in Florida means my friends and family have limited needs for yarn-type items. 


So, I've been kind of at loose ends, crafting-wise.

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I love cross-stitching. It is something one can do and make it PERFECT. My backs are as beautiful as my fronts...and if they are not, I RIP THEM OUT AND DO THEM OVER!!!!


:::sorry. OCD outburst:::


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


It's okay.


We are here for you.



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I love cross-stitching. It is something one can do and make it PERFECT. My backs are as beautiful as my fronts...and if they are not, I RIP THEM OUT AND DO THEM OVER!!!!


:::sorry. OCD outburst:::


That said, I don't know what to do with them. I have found an outlet through making paraments for church, but it is on fine linen and I'm going blind. :0/



My "later" backs are better than my "earlier" backs. I am self taught and I didn't really know how to weave my ends in neatly in the beginning.

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I used to cross stitch quite a bit, but now my efforts are mostly confined to a Christmas ornament or two each year. I used to stitch one ornament for each of the kids every year, but when I started finding my eyes weren't up to that much close-up work, I started alternating. I still made each one an ornament, but I cross-stitched one and then did something else for the other.


I have the same issue some others here have mentioned, too: I just don't have outlets for finished cross-stitched pieces. I used to crochet quite a bit, also, but living in Florida means my friends and family have limited needs for yarn-type items.


So, I've been kind of at loose ends, crafting-wise.

I found a cross stitch blog of a woman who makes mostly "Smalls" and she displays them by season on shelves and in a wooden bowl.


She is amazingly prolific (to me). She also does a Christmas ornament a month. Her blog is just lovely. And she's a librarian. :-)




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What is the "proper" way to seal up the back of a finished product, anyway? I have one here that looks like I put a piece of cardboard behind it and then taped down the corners but that doesn't look proper lol.

For frames, do you mean?


I used those sticky foam cores for the ones I put in frames I bought myself.


I don't remember what the professional framers do.

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I just wanted to thank you for starting such a fun thread. It's nice to read a thread where no one is arguing.


Of course, if the needlepointers show up here, it will be war, but for now it's fun. ;)


I can do the argument all by myself.  I love both.

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I love cross-stitch, but I don't have time to do much of it.  I have 25 or so completed - well, completely stitched - projects in a plastic bin.  I never finish anything.  Stuff I slaved over for my babies has never been displayed.    I keep meaning to "frame" this one in fabric but I'm so afraid of wrecking it, so it is still in that bin too.   


I have quite a few charts and a ton of threads - I love the hand-dyed threads such as Gentle Arts.   A fair bit of linen too.  I used to have access to a wonderful shop - anyone in the Portland, OR area check out Acorns and Threads.I haven't been there in years but it was a great place to get inspired and drop a penny or two on lovely things.


I've had the supplies for this cute chart for years... when I retire, maybe?

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I love cross-stitch, but I don't have time to do much of it. I have 25 or so completed - well, completely stitched - projects in a plastic bin. I never finish anything. Stuff I slaved over for my babies has never been displayed. I keep meaning to "frame" this one in fabric but I'm so afraid of wrecking it, so it is still in that bin too.


I have quite a few charts and a ton of threads - I love the hand-dyed threads such as Gentle Arts. A fair bit of linen too. I used to have access to a wonderful shop - anyone in the Portland, OR area check out Acorns and Threads.I haven't been there in years but it was a great place to get inspired and drop a penny or two on lovely things.


I've had the supplies for this cute chart for years... when I retire, maybe?

Like a "flat finish"?



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For finishing cross stitch, I iron the tar out of the thing and get it square exactly as I want it.  And then I put iron-on interfacing on the back.  Which covers my beautiful backs.  (cry me a river)  Then I frame them.  But for linen, that doesn't work so well.  :0)  


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I used to cross-stitch but haven't much for several years. I have one piece for my daughter that I should probably finish. I did the two boy's names in an alphabet pattern when they were babies but never finished hers. I've always felt bad because third child and all. Plus, being a girl she might be the only one to actually keep hers. It's a fairly girly pattern. The boys still have theirs hanging in their room but I think that's more because they are boys and don't really notice what is on the walls. :) I've also wanted for years to do Jesse Tree ornaments for us for Christmas.....


This thread is giving me inspiration to finish! 

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I went through a cross-stitching phase, spurred on by a co-worker and a friend. I only did a couple small things and then wanted to tackle a bigger project--Is 40:31. I actually got a lot of it done but then Something Happened. It was so long ago I can't clearly remember. Might have been childbirth. Anyway I put the project down long enough I couldn't figure out where I was and lost interest in it altogether. And the one nice project--a wedding thing--I never got it framed but I took it out recently and saw that the colors are so not me anymore. You know how it was in the 90's--all mauve and green? I used to have those colors but they're long gone.


Occasionally I'm tempted to start again, particularly when I see cute patterns like these. But so far I've been too lazy to do anything about it. Besides, I've just calculated that I have about 5 years' worth of yarn to knit so for now I'll just keep knitting, just keep knitting, just keep knitting knitting knitting . . . :D

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