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Should I try this?


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I have been looking at this site for style help. You pay them $20 and they choose clothes for you and mail them to your house. You keep what you like and mail back what you don't. I have some concerns because you fill out a questionnaire about your tastes but they don't have any idea what you look like. However, I am at a total loss. I hate shopping. It frustrates me and annoys me and even sometimes makes me cry. I don't know what looks good on me, what colors to wear or anything and I have no-one IRL to ask. I order things and end up sending them back which annoys dh to no end but I don't know what else to do. I don't live that close to any stores with personal shoppers.

Do you think this site would work since they have never seen me? Do you have any other ideas?

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Depends on how detailed the questionnaire is. Does it ask about exact measurements? Color of your hair/eyes/complexion? I mean, I'd think they would perhaps even have to ask for a photo to be attached to make accurate choices.


Also, who pays shipping, especially for the returns? What are the limits for the cost of clothes selected and shipped? How are you billed for those - upfront or after the fact (are you charged then reimbursed for returns, or only billed for what you keep)? Are you certain there are no other hidden costs?


I don't expect you to answer all those questions for me, but just make sure you know all the details. Google the company name to see if any complaints turn up. If everything seems favorable - and they don't ask you to sign a year long contract or something - maybe try it for a month. You can quit if you're not satisfied.


I am tempted to say, "You can do that on your own!" However, in reality I would love a personal shopper. I just can't afford to trust anyone else with my budget limitations.

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It does not ask for exact measurements which kind of worries me. I does ask for sizes for various items (dresses, pants, etc.). However, we all know how much those things can vary. It doesn't ask anything about hair or eye color or skin tone. It just asks about colors you like or want to avoid.

As for costs, the return shipping says free. You are only charged for the items you don't return after they receive your returns. They also allow you to set a budget per item.

I know you didn't ask me to actually answer, I'm just thinking through this. In some ways I think it is a good concept but they say they are personal stylists. I would think they could do a better job of getting something more personalized if they knew more about my body type and coloring.

Thanks for the response. It made me think it through a bit more. I am just so frustrated after ordering something else that I have to send back and was looking for other options that I could maybe afford.

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Is it stitch fix? I have been using them for a year now, and it is uncanny how they can find clothes that look great on me and that I love. I thought I gave them measurements though, so it might be a different service.

Can you give me an idea of how much the average item costs?

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I have a friend who has done one for regular clothes and one for athletic clothes (she is a pt). She loves some of the items they have sent her. I don't know the name of the company, I know there are several out there, but I have heard good things about several of yhem.

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IMO, the bolded would make this service close to useless.  Body type/shape really determines so much of what looks good on a person and what they could wear well.

It does not ask for exact measurements which kind of worries me. I does ask for sizes for various items (dresses, pants, etc.). However, we all know how much those things can vary. It doesn't ask anything about hair or eye color or skin tone. It just asks about colors you like or want to avoid.
As for costs, the return shipping says free. You are only charged for the items you don't return after they receive your returns. They also allow you to set a budget per item.
I know you didn't ask me to actually answer, I'm just thinking through this. In some ways I think it is a good concept but they say they are personal stylists. I would think they could do a better job of getting something more personalized if they knew more about my body type and coloring.
Thanks for the response. It made me think it through a bit more. I am just so frustrated after ordering something else that I have to send back and was looking for other options that I could maybe afford.


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I once picked up a couple of books form the library written by the women who made the show "What not to wear"- I was able to skim through for what applied to my body type and get lots of good tips on basic outlines to look for in clothes.  It was really helpful!  I think these were the books:





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IMO, the bolded would make this service close to useless.  Body type/shape really determines so much of what looks good on a person and what they could wear well.

Honestly, I think that part of the success of the program is that they look for items that are good for several body types. They don't pick items that would only look good on a curvy girl vs a more svelte shape.   


The ones I know of allow you to give them specifics about yourself that you find important.  So you can tell that you prefer sleves vs sleeveless shirts and that you like your skirts below the knee.


People are more likely to favor colors that they like in clothing, than just the ones that go well with their skin tone.  If that is important to the person, or if they are even aware of it, they can add that detail in to the profile. 



I know my friend who uses these programs Hates to shop.  She is so happy to have them do it for her.  She says that sometimes she gets a dress cut for a busty woman (she is probably a small b) or a shirt that is cut too loose for her (she is a runner and very trim), but then you let them know why those didn't work and they adjust for next time. 

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Is it stitch fix? I have been using them for a year now, and it is uncanny how they can find clothes that look great on me and that I love. I thought I gave them measurements though, so it might be a different service.

It is! It didn't ask for my measurements, though. I filled out the survey but didn't schedule a delivery.
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IMO, the bolded would make this service close to useless.  Body type/shape really determines so much of what looks good on a person and what they could wear well.


This is the part that worries me. Even though Tap said they pick things that look good on most body types, I'm still nervous. Asking sizes is strange to me because sizes are so incredibly inconsistent. I can wear sizes all over the board depending on the store. Sometimes even in the same store. This is one of the reasons that I have so much diffculty shopping. I do love reviews where people give their height/weight though.


I once picked up a couple of books form the library written by the women who made the show "What not to wear"- I was able to skim through for what applied to my body type and get lots of good tips on basic outlines to look for in clothes.  It was really helpful!  I think these were the books:





 I wish these things helped me. I think I get it but it doesn't translate. I am seriously style challenged!

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If it's StitchFix, I've been using them with great success. Some months I end up buying all five pieces, some months none. I don't have any time to shop, but I was tired of the yoga pants rut.


It's even still working now that I'm pregnant.


This is me. Stuck in a rut. I can't wear yoga pants, though so Im stuck in a sweat pants rut!


I think I am going to give it a try. Twenty bucks isn't a huge risk.


ETA: Would anyone like to give me a referral before I sign up? I thought someone might like the free $25!

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I don't know if it's right for you, MaeFlowers, but I just signed up.  I've toyed with it for a while, on the grounds that I hate to shop and don't have time to do it.  I do love shopping Nordstrom.com, and their free shipping and free returns make it worthwhile, but I am overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices.  It takes me forEVER to find something on there.  Anyway, I was persuaded by some of the comments on this thread and am looking forward to my first box, errr, fix.  Not sure about this lingo, but whatever--if it  keeps me from having to shop, yea!

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