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S/O How much do you spend on your kid's hair?


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DD is now considered an "adult" at our salon, so her cut (layer) is about $50 + tip (same as mine).

She doesn't have it done often, though, because taking her requires I get a sitter for The Marvelous Flying Marco, lol. Seriously, maybe a couple times a year, otherwise I trim it for her.

I do tend to buy her decent hair products. Nothing top of the line, but "good".


The boys' cuts run about $18 each, I think? Middle kiddo (DS6) requires more trips to the salon than me and DD combined :P

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I buy a bottle of all in one shampoo and conditioner when needed.


I cut it myself. My hair salon is called, "Opps" and my catch phrase is, "A free opps with every hair cut". It was so named since not once, but twice over the years I have accidentally shaved a spot on my husband's head. 


Youngest would like to grow his hair. He thinks a mullet is the best looking style ever. But I have, according to him strict rules about hair: You can't have long hair if I routinely need to use any of the following words to describe you hair; crunchy, sticky, or slimy. 


Eldest is happy with VERY short hair, as in one tiny step above shaved head.



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Ds21 is about $20 every couple of months.  He wears his hair a bit long.  I ask him to get it cut more often than he wants it cut.  If he wanted it short, it would be free.  His aunt is a barber, but specializes in military styles.  She doesn't cut long hair. 


I cut both of my girls hair when it is just a simple cut.   As a rare treat I will take dd17 to get a hair cut, and that runs about $40.  Her hair is mid back and is in light layers.  I can cut the same cut, but it takes me over an hour and it isn't easy for me to do (it takes serious concerted effort so it is definitely a chore to me).  The hair dresser can do a bit better of a job, but not much. It is much less stress for me to pay, so sometimes I do it just to save my mental capacity for some thing that I can't just pay someone else to do for me. DD17 doesn't think the difference in the cuts is worth the $40.  LOL  


I cut dd8s hair.  It is just a simple bob, but she has cowlicks so I cut it one day and then clean it up  the next after it is dry and has a chance to bounce around a bit. 


I spend quite a bit on shampoo/conditioner though.  DS21 uses Nioxin which is $$$.  All the girls use Matrix Amplify.  I watch for it to be on sale and don't pay more than $12 a liter, so it isn't super expensive, but more than grocery store brands. 

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None of my dds have never (officially) had their hair cut.*


Ds's haircuts used to cost about $15 every 6-8 weeks.  A few months ago he decided that he wanted me to cut his hair because he didn't like going to get it done.  So, we spent about $15 on clippers and now I get paid about $15 every 6-8 weeks.  :)  



*One of the girls accidentally cut off a small bit of hair while learning to use scissors.


Dd11 had a tiny bit of hair cut as a newborn when they had to put an iv in her head.  :(


Dd13 had an unfortunate, minor incident at a slumber party (while she was sleeping).



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About $25 every time they get their hair cut which is whenever they want. Both are in a growing out phase right now so it's been at last six months since either got their hair cut. Oldest likes to dye her hair red which we do at home for about $9 every six weeks or so. I think she might be going back to her natural color and letting the color go away because she wants to go pink next spring. If she quits debate. If she stays in debate, no pink hair.


We don't spend a lot on hair around here. Mine is waist length at the moment. The last time I got it cut was over a year ago. It's definitely needs a trim, but I don't go to expensive places to get it cut. Baby is two next month and hasn't had her first haircut.

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I suck at cutting kids' hair, so after the first try we've always gone to a Best Cuts or Great Clips.  I think it's something like $13+tip and we go anywhere from 2-8 months between haircuts.


My eldest loves to play with her hair, so I have bought her some hair stuff for her last couple birthdays.  Does that count?


We still wash their hair with kiddy shampoo/body wash.  Miss A uses Aveeno Baby, which I've used since they came home.  Miss E uses some organic product I found, which smells lemony-oily and which Miss A can't stand.  ;)  I don't keep track of how much I spend, but they only wash their hair with shampoo 1-3x per week.

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other than shampoo and conditioner. nothing.  well, pony tail holders, etc. for the girls.


dh cut the boys hair - I trimmed the girls hair.  if they want a pro - they pay themselves.


and during dh's prolong unemployment, I was cutting his hair.  . I knew things were getting better when he started paying someone to cut his hair.

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I'd say about $15 max/month in shampoo/conditioner/hair products like mousse, hair ties and bows/headbands/scrunchies. The youngest hates having her hair done and always wears it down so that saves a lot in hair products. Oldest usually braids or ponytails it.  I cut their hair at home b/c I'm cheap and youngest's sensory issues makes it a bad day for everyone (stylist included). I'm considering buying a few things to help make the hair cutting process a bit easier though. I also cut mine and dh's (buzzcut). 

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Are clippers easy to use?


I've only given buzzcuts but handling the clippers is very easy. They need to be charged and oiled occasionally but are otherwise easy to maintain. They can 'click down' to adjust how much hair to cut off and a set usually comes with different guards for longer styles. My Dh is former military and has the thickest hair I've ever seen on a dude. It just grows up. It needs to be buzzed every week and a half to keep it from getting so long that it can't be buzzed. We've saved an insane amount of money cutting it ourselves. 

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Nothing for cuts. I cut everyone, including hubby, myself.


We all have long hair except the baby and little boy (even hubby's is never shorter than shoulder length) so shampoo and conditioner runs is $30 a month or so.

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If I'm cutting, it's buzz cuts with clippers. If DH is cutting, they get a style. We buy our clippers for $30 from Costco and need a replacement every year or two, but I replaced the cheap bib with a really nice snap one from the beauty supply shop. I also bought regular and blending scissors. I keep forgetting to pick a nice clean up/sweep brush from there too.

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So much less now that he has short hair! His long hair needed to be cut every month or so to stay nice (fine, wavy hair) plus he liked to use lots of product. Now he can go in every few months and he only uses a bit of surfer dude hair stuff in it. We go to the same salon, about $30 each although I think he gets a bit of a discount. We love our stylist, who can talk cars with him like no one else. :)

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About $15 + tip on dd's hair every six months. I buzz my two boys with a pair of clippers I bought for $18 five years ago.


This is just about us, though my husband buzzes my son's hair.  He won't let me touch it since I nipped the top of his ear when he was about 4 years old. 


My daughter has long hair. I'd spend more on hers if she would get it trimmed more often. Now, she has a job and is looking at salons a notch or two above Great Clips (cheap walk-in salon in the US) and will pay the difference out of pocket. 



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I do ds and dh's buzz cuts out back about once a month, except in very cold/wet weather they go to the barbershop where it's $12.50 each. I believe we've had the same clippers since before ds was born.


I go to a $13 place about once a month myself.

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DS- nothing. He has long curly hair on top and shaves the back and sides whenever they start to get long.


DD- is currently growing out her punk girl-boy cut which her dad takes care of, the buzz clippers get a real workout here.  We have and will continue spending on hair color.  Cheaper if she goes with something that Clairol sells (blue black or fire engine red is pretty standard) but can get pricey for manic panic type colors.  She just finished off a jar of magenta and wants bright green next.  She's been doing this for a year or two and we average probably $10 per month.

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My girls get their hair cut at the end of every summer (figure that summer does the most hair damage with all the swimming and sun).  So ~$20.  If need be, I do trims for them (occasionally cut out gum or something). :D


I get my hair cut once or twice a year, at $30+tip a pop.


DH usually buzzes his own hair with clippers.  Right now he's growing it out a bit, so he'll probably need to hit up a Great Clips for a $10-15 haircut soon.

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I used to cut the boys hair until they got older and wanted particular styles that were beyond my ability. Ds1--working, college man--now pays his own. Ds2 costs about $20 every 6-8 weeks. Dd  (10yo!) prefers to cut her own hair. Yes, it's a mess but she likes it that way. I also cut my own but, unlike dd, I try to keep the ends straight.  :laugh:  Dh goes to a barber at least once every 3-4 weeks at about $20 per visit. His hair is very fine and he wants it cut just so, so I've never dared giving him a home trim.


No one here has/wants perms/coloring/highlights so our cost is pretty low.

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I spend $20.00 a piece every eight - ten weeks. The teen boys wear simple hair cuts that are razor cut on the sides with a size 2 or 3 guard so very short, and then scissor cut on top so the front is spiked. Since it is quite short, it looks good for a little longer than other cuts. I am lucky that they all like it, and look good in it. The oldest, college boy, is thinking of trying something longer because he has a lot of natural body in his hair - he really does have a lovely mop - and has talked to a friend who is working on her cosmetology degree. She is very talented, and he is adventurous so not worried about her experimenting on his head. Because she is still in school, he can get a hair cut from her under the guidance of her instructor for $8.00. He'll pay for that one himself, as he tends to cover a lot of his incidentals and clothes out of the money he gets for tutoring.


I paid a lot more for dd, even a simple cut. She has the thickest hair that most stylists have ever seen. It takes a very, very long time to put in layers and make sure it is all done properly. A trim takes an hour, a new hair style takes two hours, and if she colors, it takes three times the amount of product that is normally used. She rarely colors because it is so expensive. She does have dark blond hair, nice color, and will sometimes put "Sun In" in her hair and use the blow dryer or sit out in the sun to get some highlights without the big expense.

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Until recently, nothing. I cut everyone's hair, including dh. I tried salons over the years, but was never satisfied with how the kids were done. Last month I found a stylist who does a great job! Two of the boys are picky about looks and want specific styles. New budget will be ~$270/year, with extra for more frequent visits for the kid who is growing his hair long (it's at that awkward stage now). 

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Dd gets hers trimmed at the salon once a year for $7.

Ds recently changed from a medium length mom-cut to a shorter one that I can't do, so his are $7 every six weeks or so. His hair is very fine and blond with some curl in it.


I wait for the coupons from the local Master Cuts or other cheap, quick place.

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Joy - I have to buy a lot of (natural) products for her very kinky curly hair. Probably $150per year, but I do all of her trimming and styling myself.


Simon - I keep his hair very short, and usually replace the clippers once a year, so about $50 per year.


Theodore - he looks better with his kinky curly hair a bit longer, so I have to use some products beyond what I use for Simon, along with his own new clippers every year. About $75 per year


Alvin - has very straight hair. He prefers buzz cuts in have summer and slightly longer in the winter. DH takes him to the barber in the longer hair phase, and I buzz it down in the warmer months. $100


Faith - super straight hair, I usually trim as needed. She usually gets her hair cut once per year at a salon. $50 for shampoo, conditioner and trip to the salon.

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I spend 15 bucks every 6 weeks for the teenager. I cut the other boys' hair myself. Dd1 doesn't require anything at this time, dd5 is black with natural hair and I style her hair in protective styles myself, though sometimes she rocks a 'fro. Every once in a while we'll buy new beads or new products. She has the most expensive hair care regime by far but it's not bad at all. Maybe 5$ to 10$ per month on average.


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I cut the girl's hair, simple trims and either dh or I clip ds' hair with clippers. Dh often does his own hair with clippers, it actually looks much better nice and short then when he used to have it longer and have the barber do it. It seems I average a cut for myself about once a year or more(going on 15 months now), I cut it myself in between times, I can't seem to find and keep a hairdresser that I like, just like dr's I guess I'm terribly picky and I'd rather do without than have one I don't like.

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$15 after tip for DS.  My mom used to be a stylist but she just doesn't cut DS's hair with the SWOOP he likes LOLOL  so instead of free, I take him every 6 weeks.


DD..as needed.  Her hair is um, well...  SUPER super thick and has a medium amount of curl.  it is super dry and gets split ends easily.  I take her about every 2 to 2.5 months to get split ends cut off and a slight re-layering.  I pay about $30 after tip to get her shaped up.  I could take her less often if she would just condition it correctly, use the correct curl cream often and/or put oils made for this type of hair at bedtime.  I'd take ANY of those three remedies but she's 14 and ..."forgets"...  I told her if she doesn't start doing it, she's going to start paying for her appts if its sooner than it SHOULD be because of her neglect.  OH but she likes for it to look good....  sigh... sorry for the rant! lol

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I spend about 25-30 on ds1 and about 20 on ds2.  They go to the same place, but ds2 is still considered a 'child cut'.  We used to pay less and we got what we paid for. Honestly, their hair looked stupid. I am not one to notice much about such things, so when I look at a haircut and wonder what the heck is going on, then it is bad.


We have some friends who are a two dads and two sons family. I figured if anyone knew where to get a good man or boy haircut in this town, it would be them,lol. They told me where to go, warned me it wasn't super cheap, but assured me it would be a good cut. That is where I learned the power of a good cut.  It was essentially the same style, but the difference was huge.  Instead of looking like dorks, my boys looked sharp.  I don't know what she does that is different, but it is there.


Right now my older boy is doing the standard teenage experimentation with his hair. Right now it is long on the top and very short on the sides.  He pulls the whole top into a short ponytail type thing. Well, due to nutcracker he grew out the sides, but when that is over he will shave it down again. Younger boy now has very long hair so only goes in twice a year or so for a trim.  DH can buzz the sides with his beard trimmer, so that won't cost anything. He did it earlier in the year.

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I'm the opposite of some of you - I take my dds to the haircut place.  I cut my four boys' hair with the clippers.  Three of them have never had a professional haircut.  The ds12s are having issues with my haircuts (I'm not that good but good-enough-for-me LOL) so I don't know how much longer I can hold out.  It's just so convenient to whip out the clipper when needed rather than drag them all to the haircut place and then have to wait for all 4 and pay $$ every 6 weeks or so (it would cost close to $20 per kid, including tip, so $80 maybe 7 per year, $560).


I am taking dd14 today to get her haircut for the first time in about six months - her choice.  She is finally understanding the need to trim ends.  We will go to the cheap haircut place.


Maybe all of these savings make up for my own hair?  (about $200 including tip cur curl cut/color, about 4 times per year)

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The boy-o gets his clipped at home by either me or DH. We have gotten reasonably good at blending. And when you're 4, you can afford to look a little weird sometimes. :)


Oldest gets hers cut every 3 months or so at an inexpensive salon for $15 + tip.


Twin toddlers just have baby mullets, so they're getting home trims for now.

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DH cuts Rebecca's hair because it's very straight and we just do a blunt cut (it's always in a ponytail, braid, or bun anyway).


We take Sylvia to Great Clips because she has tons of hair and it's curly and has long layers.  The last time we had her hair cut, we could have made a toupee with what hit the floor, and she looked like we hadn't done a thing.  It's usually $10 plus tip.


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LOL, I read this as TIME spent on kids' hair and laughed... With eight girls you don't even want to think about it. ;)

Cost?  With mostly girls and mostly long hair, they really only get haircuts 1-2 times a year and I try to time it for $8 sale time.

The boys?  Their daddy was prior military.  They all do homemade high and tights.  I keep trying to talk oldest DS into growing his super-thick hair out but he'll have none of it.

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