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Update to Telling 9yr about Santa...

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HE KNEW!! The little stinker knew! DH & I sat down today with him to explain that he is a big kid now so we were going to let him in on a little secret about the holidays. He already knew about Santa not being real. He said he figured we would tell him when we wanted him to know "for sure".


So all of you guys who said he'd figure it out on his own were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT...AGAIN! I just love coming to the hive for information...you guys are BRILLIANT!!


What a darling sweet kiddo I have! He has been "playing it up" for little brother all this time! I'm just in love all over again with my little big guy!!



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HE KNEW!! The little stinker knew! DH & I sat down today with him to explain that he is a big kid now so we were going to let him in on a little secret about the holidays. He already knew about Santa not being real. He said he figured we would tell him when we wanted him to know "for sure".


So all of you guys who said he'd figure it out on his own were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT...AGAIN! I just love coming to the hive for information...you guys are BRILLIANT!!


What a darling sweet kiddo I have! He has been "playing it up" for little brother all this time! I'm just in love all over again with my little big guy!!




Hijack! Help!


Your dc are same as mine, but younger one strongly suspects and is openly questioning this issue. Older would like to keep the magic alive (or whatever).


How would you handle this situation? tia.

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HE KNEW!! The little stinker knew! DH & I sat down today with him to explain that he is a big kid now so we were going to let him in on a little secret about the holidays. He already knew about Santa not being real. He said he figured we would tell him when we wanted him to know "for sure".


So all of you guys who said he'd figure it out on his own were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT...AGAIN! I just love coming to the hive for information...you guys are BRILLIANT!!


What a darling sweet kiddo I have! He has been "playing it up" for little brother all this time! I'm just in love all over again with my little big guy!!



What a precious, funny guy! Sounds like my 4th grader.



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Hijack! Help!


Your dc are same as mine, but younger one strongly suspects and is openly questioning this issue. Older would like to keep the magic alive (or whatever).


How would you handle this situation? tia.

My standby is to just say, "Santa is real to those who believe." or something along those lines. I tend to just go along with whatever each kid is thinking at the time. One will say he doesn't believe and another will say he does, and I just tell each of them they can think whatever they want. I've never come right out and told the truth. The olders have just figured it out for themselves and let the youngers keep believing.



mom to 4 boys--13, 11, 9, and 6

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My standby is to just say, "Santa is real to those who believe." or something along those lines. I tend to just go along with whatever each kid is thinking at the time. One will say he doesn't believe and another will say he does, and I just tell each of them they can think whatever they want. I've never come right out and told the truth. The olders have just figured it out for themselves and let the youngers keep believing.



mom to 4 boys--13, 11, 9, and 6


Really good advice Chelle! Hey, I grew up in St. Peters, MO. I went to Fort Zumwalt North. My parents live in Troy and my brother lives in St. Peters still.


Small world,


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HE KNEW!! The little stinker knew! DH & I sat down today with him to explain that he is a big kid now so we were going to let him in on a little secret about the holidays. He already knew about Santa not being real. He said he figured we would tell him when we wanted him to know "for sure".


That's so cute!!

I'm sure my dss8 know, but it's fun to pretend!

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I did when I was little, when I realized that the tags for the Christmas presents from Mom and Dad were written in the same handwriting as the tags for the Christmas gifts from Santa. :)


When my girls were little and we explained the true story of Santa Claus to them, the legend of St. Nicholas, I remember my oldest asking, "Where's St. Nicholas now?" When I explained that St. Nicholas (aka, Santa Claus) had died a long time ago, she accepted it very well. Imagine my shock when my mother-in-law asked the girls, "What is Santa getting you for Christmas?" and the oldest promptly answered, "Santa's dead!" I think she almost fainted and probably wondered, "What are you teaching these kids???"


Don't you love what little kids will say and do sometimes?

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Imagine my shock when my mother-in-law asked the girls, "What is Santa getting you for Christmas?" and the oldest promptly answered, "Santa's dead!" I think she almost fainted and probably wondered, "What are you teaching these kids???"


BWAHAAA!!! :smilielol5::smilielol5:


That is hilarious!


I've always been really careful about the handwriting on the letters to the kids from Santa and such. I'm crazy that way.




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Hijack! Help!


Your dc are same as mine, but younger one strongly suspects and is openly questioning this issue. Older would like to keep the magic alive (or whatever).


How would you handle this situation? tia.


I don't mind the hijack! The more the merrier. However, I don't have any ideas for you, obviously I'm struggling myself! :lol:


Hope you get some great advice!


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I've always been really careful about the handwriting on the letters to the kids from Santa and such. I'm crazy that way.





Same here. Really careful with tags, different wrapping paper (though "Santa doesn't usually wrap things"), dh writes lefthanded for any notes. Call us crazy too.


Thanks for the ideas, all. The next couple of months will be interesting.:001_smile:


Isn't it amazing the amount of angst we have over something, and then...he already knows! I missed the earlier thread, glad it was easier than you thought.

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Santa doesn't wrap his gifts in our house and doesn't label them. (Santa is a real slacker....just like me) The kids can totally tell which was meant for who.

Last year my ds (now 8) told me he overheard some kids saying Santa wasn't real. I said "what do you think?" which is pretty much my standard reply to them to try to figure out what info they already have on any subject. His reply: "Well, you don't have any money, and Dad wouldn't buy us toys, so I guess it has to be Santa." I let it go at that, and if he asks again I'll again ask him "what do you think" to see if he's gotten it figured out.

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I did when I was little, when I realized that the tags for the Christmas presents from Mom and Dad were written in the same handwriting as the tags for the Christmas gifts from Santa. :)


When my girls were little and we explained the true story of Santa Claus to them, the legend of St. Nicholas, I remember my oldest asking, "Where's St. Nicholas now?" When I explained that St. Nicholas (aka, Santa Claus) had died a long time ago, she accepted it very well. Imagine my shock when my mother-in-law asked the girls, "What is Santa getting you for Christmas?" and the oldest promptly answered, "Santa's dead!" I think she almost fainted and probably wondered, "What are you teaching these kids???"


Don't you love what little kids will say and do sometimes?

This is how we explain it too! (except my son hasn't...yet...made this comment!)

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Hijack! Help!


Your dc are same as mine, but younger one strongly suspects and is openly questioning this issue. Older would like to keep the magic alive (or whatever).


How would you handle this situation? tia.


Let it be. I've tried to pop the bubble for my 10yo for years. She loves the magic and it flows over into all her life. My 9yo is a realist and got it all along and it is a kick to see the 10yo cause confusion and doubt in her. I have become a believer that it will take care of itself and that there is something beyond what I see. 10 yo is writing her first book and I am certain it is due to her imagination.

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No kidding!!! We DEFINITELY have to have a get together with everyone in that area! I'm going to be in town the weekend of Sept 26th. Anyone interested in an informal get-together...maybe at a park or something?



Hey, you guys! That would be awesome! Then we could reply to mommylawyer's thread that we know someone from here in real life!! :001_smile:


I'll be here the weekend of the 26th, but might be really busy...I'd LOVE to try to meet up with you and Kris, though.



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Hey, you guys! That would be awesome! Then we could reply to mommylawyer's thread that we know someone from here in real life!! :001_smile:


I'll be here the weekend of the 26th, but might be really busy...I'd LOVE to try to meet up with you and Kris, though.




How does early afternoon look for you guys? I could probably be in town by 2pm on Friday the 26th and could meet at a park or something for a while. My mom will be home from work about 3:30 and will want us to be at her house around then, but it would sure be a lot of fun!


Let me know!


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How does early afternoon look for you guys? I could probably be in town by 2pm on Friday the 26th and could meet at a park or something for a while. My mom will be home from work about 3:30 and will want us to be at her house around then, but it would sure be a lot of fun!


Let me know!


I sent you a PM, Angela.



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I bought address labels with Santa's picture on them from the Miles Kimball catalog, and instead of an address, I put (for example): To Sophia, (on line 1), Love, Santa (on line 2). Address labels stick on packages very well, and it saved me having to write a zillion gift tags.


If you like this idea, here are a couple of links to reputable companies:






I had to do this because I was afraid the kids would recognize my handwriting and would not believe in Santa any more.


When the first child asked questions, I told him that Santa only comes to those children who believe he exists. I did that because the questioner would have immediately told his siblings that Santa did not exist and it would have ruined Christmas.


Thus encouraged, the kids pretended that they believed in Santa a whole lot longer than they otherwise would have -- except for the original questioner.



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