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lightening Literature?

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Anyone use this at the highschool level? I'm looking at American Literature, specifically, for a reluctant writer but fast reader. We don't have a full year left, can I skip a module/chapter/unit whatever it is, and use parts of the early american guide and parts of the mid-late american guide? Like, skip Moby Dick, to make sure we get to Huckleberry Finn and Red Badge of Courage?

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We used it - American Lit, Medieval/British Lit, and World Lit for 9-11th grade. We added grammar and vocabulary to round it out.


Yes, we'd keep using Wordly Wise I imagine. We don't do grammar anymore...I give up, lol! 


Do you feel you could skip a unit? Use some from early American lit and some fromthe later American Lit?

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With a reluctant student, I would just use the later one and slightly condense the "year-long" plan. You can see the schedule in the sample for the TE. Moby Dick is actually very do-able if you skip the parts LL tells you to skip.


You can always add in the titles for the early American set as free reads to keep the reader part happy (I think the later American books are easier to write about). My bunch though Ben Franklin was a little pompous. Dogs? War? Cannibals? Yeah, they liked those better. At the very least, I would do the later American set first, and then pick and choose from the first set.


Yes, skipping units is fine. It does assume students can write essays.

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Thank you! The later one definitely looks more up his alley, but I might want to put a few things from the first one in - mainly Poe, as he really likes Poe, and The Scarlett Letter.  And he CAN write essays, he just doesn't like to. And I think we've spent too long working on little things, and not enough time just writing. I am more than willing to help him if he wants help, and writing is my strongest area, so there is that. I think he really needs to step it up. 

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Just a warning that the LL American literature guides are mostly just a bunch of nit picky comprehension questions. We dropped it pretty quickly.


Well, it's that or just doing the literature in Notgrass Exploring America, and I think Lightening lit looks more extensive than that, but I'll see when it gets here, and decide then. 


Part of me wants to do Notgrass because it has a research paper, and he's never done one. oops. 

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Well, it's that or just doing the literature in Notgrass Exploring America, and I think Lightening lit looks more extensive than that, but I'll see when it gets here, and decide then. 


Part of me wants to do Notgrass because it has a research paper, and he's never done one. oops. 


We never did the comprehension questions. We did fine with just the writing assignments and reading in the textbook and lit books. There's 2 papers assigned for most books.


You can always add in the research at the end. CLE has a "research paper unit" aimed at about 8th/ 9th grade that's pretty open and go for a student who hasn't written one before.



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